China is on the verge of collapse

China is on the verge of collapse

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kinda sad those piggys will be eaten

They should eat the bugs

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>barely made it to where korea was in 1995
>population is projected to decline starting from this year
>corporate debt is more than 150 percent of its gdp
>xiaomi just reported its first operation deficit this quarter
>low end manufacturing is being relocated to vietnam and india
>endless lockdowns after another and the party doesn't even care to put the word covid in them anymore
CCP bros... it's over....

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ok so they collapse
so fucking what?
imagine what europe went through during the black plague
then it went on to colonize 4 continents

China is a net food exporter lmao

2 more weeks of food

China will collapse any day bro, I promise.

You won't want to be the one living in black

>a-any day now
You've been saying this since the 90s

How the fuck are they running out of food when it's the biggest most fertile part of the world?


It is tradition.
>Yin Ziqi had besieged the city for a long time. The food in the city had run out. The dwellers traded their children to eat and cooked bodies of the dead. Fears were spread and worse situations were expected. At this time, Zhang Xun took his concubine out and killed her in front of his soldiers in order to feed them. He said, "You have been working hard at protecting this city for the country wholeheartedly. Your loyalty is uncompromised despite the long-lasting hunger. Since I can't cut out my own flesh to feed you, how can I keep this woman and just ignore the dangerous situation?" All the soldiers cried, and they did not want to eat. Zhang Xun ordered them to eat the flesh. Afterwards, they caught the women in the city. After the women were run out, they turned to old and young males. 20,000 to 30,000 people were eaten. People always remained loyal.

Attached: taaperot tahtoo ruokaa.gif (480x270, 1.78M)

Attached: history of china.png (1140x185, 16.87K)

Chinese people literally shit in public.

Why is a Singaporean so obsessed with China. You've been making these posts for months

>most fertile
China use some of the most fertilizers in the planet and 90% of their rice production which is their most consumed agricultural product comes from foreign seeds and the stand they purchase is sterile. China depends on global trade far more than other countries

Fun fact: The reason China has not collapsed yet is because the CCP spends more bailing out it's economy than the entire rest of the world combined.

Remember back in 2008 when everyone was complaining about the banks being given hundreds of billions in hand outs to stop them collapsing?
China gives out more than this every single year and has been for god knows how long. They literally give out trillions and trillions of dollars a year to prevent the economy from collapsing.

This is the single reason it's economy has not collapsed yet.

China is mostly desert and the desertification gets worse every year. Attempts at turning the desert green have failed.
Add to this the fact that the majority of water in China is so heavily polluted it's unusable for anything, and that they have either built over, or used arable land as waste dump sites and China actually does not have a lot of land to grow crops.
Even if all of Chinas remaining land was used optimally they could only feed around 2/3rds of their people.

In a few months the strict lockdowns in China are going to come back and bite them in the ass as well. Lots and lots of farmers were locked down hard and unable to plant anything and have missed their grow season.

Finally the mutant cannibals will eat each other for my entertainment.

>China use some of the most fertilizers in the planet and 90% of their rice production which is their most consumed agricultural product comes from foreign seeds

Stop drinking the koolaid.

>In 1974, Chinese scientists successfully transferred the male sterility gene from wild rice to create the cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) genetic line and hybrid combination.[4] This is the first time the F1 hybrid seeds were used for large-scale planting. The first generation of hybrid rice varieties were three-line hybrids and produced yields that were about 15 to 20 percent greater than those of improved or high-yielding varieties of the same growth duration.

>In China, hybrid rice is estimated to be planted on more than 50% of rice-growing fields and it is credited with helping the country increase its annual rice yields, which are among the highest in Asia.

2 weeks more

Maybe because most Singaporeans are Chinese and they're a bridge between the PRC and the West?

>China will collapse any day bro, I promise.
Yes funny isn't it? And in the mean time the same people can't stop shopping at Wal-mart. The American-tier hypocrisy is quiet stunning