You know who

You know who Forums/

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Colonel Any Forums here. AMA.


Who owns Any Forums?
The FBI and the CIA

Who owns it ≠ Who pays the bills to keep the light on

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>Any Forums’s users spread transphobic misinformation
Yeah, when a hetero does a mass shooting then it's a right wing neo nazi 14/88 hale hortler incel, but when a tranny pwns a dozen of spics then they call that misinformation. Faggots.

And niggers.

I think it's hilarious that a mild mannered Asian man who barely understands what he says in English, and who I get the impression from, barely can get the thought out of his head through his mouth correctly and without botching the meaning of what he wanted to say.

I get the feeling if he was interviewed about Any Forums's "hate" that he would say he loves the American spirit and how in Japan there's nothing like that excitement.
The reporters would have no idea what to do with so much ammunition to write shitty hit pieces. It would break their minds.

Again? Wasn't this yesterday's monster slide thread?


Again and again and again forever.

Now do one on who owns the media


it's owned in part or funded by some japanese toy company, or it was when Moot owned it.
The Nindoroid company

I shouted out, who owns Any Forums
Well, after all, it was you and me


Fbi, nsa, csi, ncsi, gmob, vutdc, bhffjnnnkko, mi16, kopernikus, tito and mosad


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Im Dr Any Forums and Im going to kill every single writer and "journalist" for Le Wired.

Do you really have to ask?

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The nose knows

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>fag wants to be famous shooter
>talks with FBI about it in private Discord
>streams on Twitch, a site that that rewards attention fags
>Media gives him attention and shows his face everywhere
>durr public anonymous site is to blame!

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