So this is how you wreck globohomo?

So this is how you wreck globohomo?
Very interesting.

Attached: Putin_Klaus_Schwab_WEF_Treffen.jpg (1100x814, 602.09K)

You can be a globalist without being a fag-enabler, cunt.

Yeah because you're never betrayed by people you are forced to play board games with

Low IQ faggot


Coping mechanism is something you Germans should get into it since you are the best engineers. Provide us a scientific explaination about this phenomena.

Backstabbing a vile jew cunt after having posed with him for some pictures?
Yeah, that is how you wreck globohomo.
You can not just go 14/88; Sig Fucking Heil on the world stage and expect to get anywhere. You get the jew in close and then stab him repeatedly while claiming to be the victim.

Out jew the fucking jew.

explain exacly how non-white asiatics killing Europeans for the purpose of denazification saves the European people and stops globohomo

And it only took you 3 whole months to figure it out.

Attached: wef summer slam.jpg (900x450, 369.41K)

I hate ukries so much it's unreal

I mean who wouldn't want to believe that there is someone out there "fighting the good fight"?
Is it a surprise that people here see in Putin what they want to see in him?

It is highly possible that the whole Ukraine thing is a WEF scheme, it's also possible that Putin has basically gone rogue, who knows?
Personally I don't want to believe everybody is just controlled opposition so I'd rather have the latter option, but even then I don't believe for a second that Putin is /ourguy/.
Yes, Putin stands in the way of the US, but he also stands in the way of of true nationalism, that is ethno-nationalism.
What is the average Ukrainian fighting for? Jewlensky or their nation, their people?
What is true for Putin and the "board games" is also true for most every Ukrainian, keep that in mind...

First, you have to accept that you are wrong on all counts.
Russians can be white, and European. Russia is big and has people from the Baltics to the Bering. Too bad you are a retard at geography.
2nd, Ukrainians are not Europeans or White; They are jews and jew slaves.
Denazification is a cover story to out jew the jew and protect against claims of being a nazi. It is fucking chess and you are trying to understand checkers, nitwit.
Defending the European people is not the goal...THE FUCKING EUROPEANS ARE THE GLOBOHOMO. They have completely sold their countries and souls to the jew for shekels. They are the reason the globohomo is a thing.

The goal is to save the Russians by killing as many jew slaves as possible and protect the Rus people of the lower Don area and stop the jews from being able to shell them without recourse.

It is vengeance and salvation for the Rus.

I realize this is bait and all but I just wanted to say that like 1% of all Russians are white.

Funny thing about your horrible post (I mean, it was leaf tier) is that the 1 percent, still beats your turkic ass to the white title.
Now go work and actually contribute to the slave germanics supporting you.

>its white people go-i mean fellow white person
Please kys post haste.

No, no Klaus, you got it all wrong. This is how you integrate gulaghomo into globohomo - double the homo!

>impliying this means anything

This is so retarded I don't even know where to begin, so I'll just say this:
Last time I checked, even the most loyal national socialists back then perceived their efforts as a form of liberating other nations from under the international jewry's control, and not lumping them together with it. Nonsensical statements like
are the contemporary equivalent of
which is so retarded that the german leadership back then would've put you down just for uttering it, probably as a form of mercy. Slave does not equal master just because they appear to be working for the same team.

Ok Rothschild slave. Tell us more how you are standing up to free yourself from your jewish masters?
Yeah... thought so.
You serve Satan and his people with your basic compliance. You will burn in hell.

Attached: putin stilts.jpg (778x601, 117.37K)

Yes, I will now share every way I don't comply with this current world order so there is a written record of it. Nah, mate. Nice try tho. Here's your last (you), now don't spend it all at one place Moshe.

That is a martial arts technique for always staying on your toes, stop h8in pootin