A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State...

>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

It says a well regulated militia is necessary, and after making this statement says people need to be able to own guns without being impeded.

So it says the people being armed is necessary for a well regulated militia, not that a well regulated militia is necessary for the people to be armed.

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It says COME AND TAKE THEM you fucking bastard


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I think the part before the comma, and the part after the comma, are stating the same thing. Like a clarification on the meaning.

But we don’t have a well regulated militia so what’s the point anyway

Learn to read nigger.

It strickly means that congress is to dish out the uniforms, guns and training to well regulate the militia, i.e the entire us population of 350 million people. No exceptions.

All I know is, I won’t go into detail but. All you have to do to see what life is like worth no guns is look at the recent military coup in Burma. The people have no guns. They have a happy nice Democratic government. They were lawfully elected. Everyone likes them. But then. Uh oh, these other military people come in and put the nice happy democratically elected government all into jail. Then they declare themselves the new leaders of the country. How were they allowed to do this? How could this happen? They had the guns.

>But we don’t have a well regulated militia so what’s the point anyway

Have you considered that we don't have a well regulated militia because the right of the people to keep and bear arms has been infringed?

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Mate I think that every single yank, down to age 5 should own half a dozen guns and rifles and then I'll go get a big bucket of popcorn and LET'S GOOOOOOO!

>They had the guns.

I think maybe a possibly unintended but poignant interpretation of the amendment is that the people being armed is what regulates the militia.

When you're a militia and you have all the guns, and there's a bunch of people who don't have guns, you might get some funny ideas about other people's property belonging to you.

So a way to regulate that militia would be to arm the entire population.

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>A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Seems like a simple statement to me. We could run a Gematria analysis on it, but I don’t think it would prove fruitful.

>Americans can't even understand their own constitution.

It certainly does not mean regulated by the government. It means freedom from a government that would try to take them.


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Multiple cases have upheld that it is the Individuals right outside of state control. Even going further into history the framers own writings back this up before and after the declaration of independence and the bill of rights.

Well Regulated = In working order/proper functioning.
Shall not be infringed = (ya I know) In legal documents that is not a suggestion that is a directive. So yes all gun laws are unconstitutional.

This one really pisses the redditors off

>"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." - Thomas Jefferson, Virginia Constitution, Draft 1, 1776.

This is what happens every time: Some militia organizes and they start training. Almost always it's just some good ole boys looking to assert their God given rights and freedoms. Then a glownigger joins one of these militias and tries to radicalize people within the group. If that fails, which it usually does, they then find some bullshit law to raid individuals within the militia. Suddenly the whole group stops meeting clearly taking the hint that they are next.

Leftists seethe harder at actual militia members though. They're basically libertarian paramilitary organizations after all.

>resist tyranny
so its a cyclical argument
need guns to make a militia to keep your guns by resisting tyranny

But according to Redditors it's okay to be sexually attracted to children "as long as they don't act upon it."

>So it says the people being armed is necessary for a well regulated militia, not that a well regulated militia is necessary for the people to be armed.

>But we don’t have a well regulated militia so what’s the point anyway
>This is what happens every time: Some militia organizes and they start training. Almost always it's just some good ole boys looking to assert their God given rights and freedoms. Then a glownigger joins one of these militias and tries to radicalize people within the group. If that fails, which it usually does, they then find some bullshit law to raid individuals within the militia. Suddenly the whole group stops meeting clearly taking the hint that they are next.
Yes, they have cleverly infiltrated the god-given right to forma militia. Only a revolution will gain us back this right.

And you may morally form militias in clandestine ways using IRL people you know and trust. You unfortunately cannot advertise that stuff publicly because it will only attract glowies.

HOWEVER, if you are sophisticated enough to set an ambush for a glowie, then you might do it intentionally.

You'll never take them.
Never ever.
Get raped, glownigger.

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>This is what happens every time: Some militia organizes
Form more clandestine organizations and think and rest a lot to figure out things you can do with real life IRL people you know and trust. OR set up an ambush for a glowie.