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maybe if i keep saying it it will become a good point

It is a good point. No other country has this issue, yet we like to act like it can't be solved.

>just give up your guns
>says nation putting their citizens in concentration camps

>It is a good point. No other country has this issue, yet we like to act like it can't be solved.
So uh what's the solution?

Gun control, like Australia.

Ya exactly, then concentration camps will be a thing again in america.

Australia never had a problem with school shootings though

Arm the students! Ye Olden Dayes were more liberal about guns with FEWER SHOOTINGS. Make firearms a more comfortable part of life!

> you can't just unpost leftist ideals
only nation makes a good point

What if I were to tell you, that the homicide rate among White and Asian Americans, per capita, is only slightly higher than Australia?

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One retard groomed to mass murder and you cunts gave them all up

>3 of the officers decided to take a lunch break during the hour long standoff
>24TXS Captcha :thinking:

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It doesn't happen in euro countries or Canada where guns are legal. Only in America where our culture is diseased.

A moderately cohesive nation that doesn’t atomize the people and pit them against each other on everything. We got fuckloads of guns, like 75-80% of men receive military training to use them, but somehow Finns very rarely shoot up shit like schools. Sure there’s violence and self-harm stuff, but it’s not directed at your own community.

Commies in the US just make one degenerate thing after another ”okay”. Drugs, trannies, pedos, racial divide teachings, single moms, muh strong womyn dun need no man etc. And then we’re all surprised kids are fucked up in the head. Just saying: most kids from stable nuclear families don’t become shooters.

>Commies in the US just make one degenerate thing after another ”okay”. Drugs, trannies, pedos, racial divide teachings, single moms, muh strong womyn dun need no man etc. And then we’re all surprised kids are fucked up in the head. Just saying: most kids from stable nuclear families don’t become shooters.
Pretty much nailed it
Degeneracy begets violence, it always has and it always will

An hour while they were slowly executed. That’s how long it took an off duty cop to storm the school and take matters into his own hands. Fuck you pussy.

No other country. You fucking retard.

Adding one more thing, I’m gonna throw out some stuff and you tell me when I have bingo. I haven’t read about the shooter but I bet he’s…
>From a broken home
>Dropout or barely at school
>Limited friends on the internet
>History of mental illness

well said
this is a symptom of societal decay

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What the fuck are you talking about. It happens everywhere they just don’t have corporate media spewing propaganda 24/7 because they already took the guns

It’s Beau Biden

Remember when the Onion was funny and relevant? Me neither. Hey, boomer. Let’s make some Tang, and start up the Atari 2600 and laugh at Onion articles.

>A moderately cohesive nation
Well now you're asking for pure fantasy.