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Dude is all staged

Listen here, sport. If you think I'm going in to save those kids you're god damn mistaken

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This is how (((they))) get what they want. Don't worry about any of it. Just get your shit together. If you're not saved, that's your #1 priority.

Salsa you nigger

They had to kill him otherwise people would find out

Uvalde was a completely botched false flag. Maybe they had it planned at a different school (guy who conveniently died from a "heart attack" yesterday conducted a shooter drill at the high school, not elementary school, on Skull & Bones day) or on a different date. Their highly unstable MK shooter probably completely snapped after the argument with his grandmother and deviated from the plan. The people involved were forced to scramble—nobody is in position, now there are actual children dying instead of whatever hoax they had planned, the low level local PD grunts that are part of the plan are paralyzed and don't know what to do, and now they've got people unconnected to the plan like off-duty Border Patrol guy interfering. Usually these false flags have a slick rollout with a pre-packaged media narrative ready-to-go, but this is just a cluster. Even the brainwashed are starting to ask uncomfortable questions

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why is it that the police never intervene with school shootings? columbine, parkland, now uvalde. are they being told directly not to stop the shooting? if yes, then who is behind this? very strange

Remember now. This is what civil war 2 looks like if they become tyrant.

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Fuckin SAVED. 2hvsa

If they got rid of guns I don’t care who you ask that’s war
That’s taking our rights


>Stand down. Let him kill as many as possible. Holy fuck why is that border patrol agent going rambo. Oooh fuck ummm fuck let's just make up some stuff!

Who indeed… who indeed …

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Sauce for heart attack guy being the guy who ran the drill?

i predict another shooting will happen in georgia within the next 5 months. with Stacey Abrams running again for gov, she needs all she can get to win against kemp, even if that means people dying

This explains why the original narrative was that the shooter survived and was taken into custody. Maybe rogue CBP agent deleted the glownigger shooter and made the glowniggers upset for disrupting their plans.
Would also explain why media is not trying to promote that agent as a hero, almost no one even knows about him. Meanwhile that glownigger "security guard" spic in the vegas shooting was given awards and brought on to Ellen etc.
Maybe the CBP agent saw other things he wasnt supposed to? Be interesting to see if he disappears and is never heard from again or "commits suicide"

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>get rid of guns
that won't happen.They have never tried and they never will. I hope they do. They won't though.

They need to just get the info on who gave the order to the chief, try him and hang him.

I would love to see them try.
Go ahead feds push the human experiment to its limits

This is so fucking obvious, are they doing this on purpose or just sheer incompetence?

>why is half the country going to war it’s almost like we took their right they had since this country began
>we think it’s gonna be like prohibition
Try it

I remember the first thread I saw said 1 injured. Then the shooter was in custody. Everyone called it a nothing burger.

Absolutely. This has gotten away from them and is now blowing up in their faces. Even Abbott is noping out of this and calling the responders liars. If any threads get pulled on this cluster fuck by an actual investigation by pissed off and non-affiliated investigators, as bad as it already is it will throw everything into chaos. Just on how bad it is now it threatens to start fires they can't contain.

There’s still like hundreds of trump supporters being tortured in prisons lol they torture whites all over America in prisons for things the founding fathers did. Massive cope these people treat you like slaves and with zero respect

What could really blow shit apart is if any of the responding cops kids died in there and it wasn't part of the deal.. We should be watching for any unexpected deaths from anyone involved, like that heart attack guy. That would indicate they're trying to shut them up.

>if yes, then who is behind this? very strange

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This is quite possibly the most incompetent display ever to have happened in this country.

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>in custody
doesn't mean not's why the hand cuff even obviously dead suspects