Are pedophiles simply misunderstood by society, or are they rightly vilified?

Are pedophiles simply misunderstood by society, or are they rightly vilified?

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They all deserve to be lined up and shot.

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sounds authoritative

This is the only morally correct answer.

The majority of them are non offending. How can someone be "deserving" of death if they haven't committed any crime?

Feminist faggots like you should all be lined up and shot

If you dont kill yourselves youre bad people.

Clarify your reasoning.

Where the fuck are these feminist raids coming from? Any Forums has always been a pro-MAP website. Get the fuck out

Parents care for their young. Children are vulnerable. Pedos are predatory. If our civilization collectively decides the parents have to give up their children to predators, your civilization is dead. You've killed its future.

There needn't be any, kill yourself immediately.

>Pedos are predatory.
Some pedos are predatory. Just like some adult-attracted men and women are predatory. It's pointless to generalize an entire demographic.

Just admit you’re a gay male feminist. KYS immediately

It is predatory by nature. The parents are responsible for the child. The child belongs to the parents. The parents control and raise the child. That's their role. It's the most important role of the human condition, notwithstanding civilization. What do pedos want? They want the parents to give up their small, impressionable, vulnerable children so that strange adults can fuck them.


Child marriage has been the norm for most of human civilization. Provided the adult in question is respectable and financially stable.

investigate these pizza companies

burning at the stake is also good

pedos think that calling non-pedos "feminists" will work. all pedos, all ropes, all walls, all day.

>Using bullets on these people
I think an Axe would due just fine. How many trannies can you kill with a bullet? with a rope? With fucking AXE!

This is a jewish board full of them, so the well documented relationship between child rape and psychopathy/sociopathy is almost never mentioned.
This means they are trash and should be dead, but they get away with anything because everyone is so dumb they are schizophrenic.

Because back in the day children weren't coddles in till they were 20 years old, they had to grow up sooner.

Key word is marriage. Some cultures practiced that. Children grow up. Then they reproduce. Pedos dont want that. Dont even try to pretend. Less than 1% of gays even get married with an average of 500 sex partners per lifetime. Pedos are just as degenerate.


Now fuck off. You're a virus on civilization. Vaccines are necessary