If you are a conservative that isn't a dumbfuck white supremacist, alt-right gun nut, anarchist lunatic etc...

If you are a conservative that isn't a dumbfuck white supremacist, alt-right gun nut, anarchist lunatic etc. hear me out. We should push for firearm regulation that respects the second amendment.
Mental evaluations, background checks, supervised training, and other bureaucratic mechanisms should be employed for high powered weapons.
For a vehicle you must re-register and evaluate every 1-2 years, renew licenses etc. Why not the same for firearms?

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Because vehicles aren't in the constitution.


Driving is not a right and so you can force people to register. Firearms ownership is a right and so you can get bent.

>If you are a conservative that isn't a white supremacist
Then you're not a conservative, simple as.

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>firearm regulation that respects the second amendment.
There isn't any.

>If you are a conservative that isn't a dumbfuck white supremacist, alt-right gun nut
So you only want to speak to ignorant or stupid people.

It should be legal to own and drive a tank without a license

The second amendment states that you have the right to bear arms.
Anyone can still own a weapon, if they can prove they are not a threat to anyone elses freedom and safety.
Same with free speech, as it is a constitutionally protected right it is still regulated. You cannot use it to hurt anyone. My fists freedom ends at your face.

>if they can prove they are not a threat to anyone elses freedom and safety.
That's the point of a weapon.

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As a conservative I want the state to implement all this and use force to enforce it. Bad look my guy

i agree, fellow right winger. did you other right wingers know that 2a is only for WELL REGULATED MILITIAS? we need ban guns when us right wingers take power!

What part of SHALL NOT BE FUCKING INFRINGED do you glowing, subversive, niggerizing faggots NOT UNDERSTAND?


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Well said, just scratch the "taking power" part. That sounds fascist.

Is white nationalist the same as white supremacist?

I mean I guess I am minorly a white supremacist.
As in, white people are like 5% better than everyone else.
But why haven't you guys been using white nationalist as an insult recently?
Did your focus groups find that white nationalism is popular and you dropped the term or something?

White nationalist supports the status quo of white supremacy, it goes hand in hand.

We're not conservatives here retard. Also guns are not the problem. America has always had lots of guns. Shootings have only recently become an issue. The problem is no one wants to live in this multicultural hellscape with niggers and spics. Kikes need to be removed from power and whites need to be in power again. All hollywood, MSM, corporations and academia push nihilism, hedonism, anti traditionalism, drug usage, sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, transgenderism, anti family, and generally reprehensible behavior. The reason all of those issues were opposed in the past is simple. They destroy society.

Sounds like you are the problem


Lets Go Brandon!!

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Fuck off tyrant.

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When tyranny becomes law resistance becomes duty. You are an establishment supporter. The current establishment is unable or unwilling to prevent mass shootings. I want to fix this system while you faithfully support the establishment.

Look in the mirror traitor

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Dems are repukes arent because they are payed by the NRA

>We should push for firearm regulation that respects the second amendment.
The Second Amendment IS firearm regulation.

Say the word "nigger".