Before I begin, yes i'm fucking drunk

Before I begin, yes i'm fucking drunk.
I'm a soldier, not an ordinary soldier but not a special soldier either. I only felt it right to write here because i'm lonely as fuck and i need a chat with soldiers. Whom i have no doubt are here with me in pol.
I want you to write down the story that fucks with you the most. I will do mine first, it's not long it's not short but it may not contain many words because i don't want it in my head.

It was afghanistan. We were on a patrol near a small village i will not name because you would likely know which country was in charge of said patrols because we were the only ones to take care of this shitty little village, though this wont even give you the slightest hint to who i am i wont fucking say.
There was a boy, barely in his teens. He had done nothing but seem suspicious on his tiny motorbike but i shot him i nthe head because i didn't like him.
I don't know why, i don't know. Fuck it.
He didn't serve any purpose in this world.
Tell me your story.
Pic unrelated

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>Before I begin, yes i'm fucking drunk.
>I'm a soldier, not an ordinary soldier but not a special soldier either. I only felt it right to write here because i'm lonely as fuck and i need a chat with soldiers. Whom i have no doubt are here with me in pol.
>I want you to write down the story that fucks with you the most. I will do mine first, it's not long it's not short but it may not contain many words because i don't want it in my head.

>It was afghanistan. We were on a patrol near a small village i will not name because you would likely know which country was in charge of said patrols because we were the only ones to take care of this shitty little village, though this wont even give you the slightest hint to who i am i wont fucking say.
>There was a boy, barely in his teens. He had done nothing but seem suspicious on his tiny motorbike but i shot him i nthe head because i didn't like him.
>I don't know why, i don't know. Fuck it.
>He didn't serve any purpose in this world.
>Tell me your story.
>Pic unrelated

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Kill yourself leaf

based confessing your sins openly
itll get better man. You can never undo what you did but you can start to be ready for when its your turn to do the right thing at the right time.
And you will get your chance, if you want it.

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>Kill yourself leaf

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fucked up if real ( mostly like fake)..

NATO dogs should never touch any land outside their own, total support for Russia in their conquest of europe.

you leafs sure are a contentious people

We had to do PT once, we played frisbee in civvies. The game ran late and by the time we got to the dining hall they were all out of breakfast steak. I had to eat a bacon and cheese omelette with a cappuccino. It was sad.
t. Air Force


Fuck it honestly, fuck it all

Kill yourself nogunz leaf

what's the point of greentexting someone's post?
you're a worthless sack of shit, homo

You just made an enemy for life

Yes fellow soldiers
Please share humble war crimes in this safe thread. Preferably Americans, living not too far from 1000 Colonial Farm Road in Langley Virginia.

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>Norway fag flag
>Trying to act like he deployed and operated fully in theatre

Shut the fuck up. Who cares if you shot some kid on your little drive around the Afghan Countryside? It was your choice. Man up.

i wish you didnt do that

>doxx yourself for our files
fucking niggers
sorry about your loss, faggot, but this is not the place.

It seems you are a little bitch that let his fears control him, not fit for duty. You are insinuating that there were other options for handling the situation but you just didn't like this kid so you killed him. Enjoy hell murderer.

Im a US soldier, im not going to be specific about my MOS but we deal with the flow of information and i fucking hate my life, i just want to get out and live a comfy NEET life style, every time i put on my uniform it makes me feel sick to my stomach and i really hate working for such a sick government

>what's the point of greentexting someone's post?
>you're a worthless sack of shit, homo

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If true, you need some professional help buddy, and not from the retards in here that know nothing but hate and lulz at everyone else's expense. This ain't the place to be if you genuinely need help bro.

Are you a coward like those cops in Texas?

Fuck those Muslim mutts. You did the world a favour. If we removed every nonwhite from the face of the planet, the world would be better for it.

Damn you sound like a disgusting faggot

LARP!!! Complete bullshit.

PAO sucks… Get a real fucking job…

>though this wont even give you the slightest hint to who i am i wont fucking say.
Nobody cares who you are, least of all globohomo for which if your wrong doing ever came to light would simply shuffle some paperwork, organize a sham inquiry and then rubber stamp your actions within acceptable parameters. Globohomo is perfectly fine with killing civilians when they do it and that it doesn't create too much bad publicity.