Disturbing thought: what if Jesus is in charge of the timelines?

Disturbing thought: what if Jesus is in charge of the timelines?
>universe is so big because it needs near infinite Earths for every possibility
>you live a sinful life, you get shifted to a less and less pleasant timeline
>your “other selves” become npc’s
>eventually you’re in a timeline where the world is a nightmare
>Judgement Day
>For the wages of sin is death but the gift of God is the eternal life in Christ our Lord ~Romans 6:23

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watch this gospel video if you don't want to go to hell for your sins after you die.

the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ explained in 11 minutes:

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Interesting thought, and because we're imperfect we eventually end up in hellscape timeline and will cry uncle and accept his atonement one way or another. Is our reality truly a simulation of salvation?

why do you assume the different realities happen in in the same spacial dimension?
also timeline shifts in such a manner become unnecessary considering Gods omnipotence and omnipresence. He knows what we do when we do it, and even what we would do if we could. He does so before we even are born. As such he doesnt need to make us jump realities. Instead he can put us in that one time and place where we get presented with the precise choice of options that lead through our own free will and the decission there off to the outcome God intends teaching us and those around us all we need to know in a single reality.
He can make the same world a miserable hellish experience for one and a blissfull heaven for the other at the same time and place even.

Also before it gives confusion about the concept of hell:
There is the Hades/Sheol, the realm of the dead where everyone went (save for few exceptions like Enoch or Elijah)
This seems to be seperated in different areas depending on how you behaved according to the book of the secrets of Enoch as well as the story of the rich man and lazarus where Abraham states there is a chasm between Abraham and the rich man that noone can cross. It is probably very much like with Dantes Inferno.

Then there is Gehenna, the place of judgement day. Here the unbelievers get judged, and either have their souls destroyed in eternal flames or allowed to live under the faithfull . This happens 1000 years after the first resurrection of the faithful and the vanquishing of all evil.
To understand here is that everything exists within and through God, God being life and existence itself , thus by rejecting God you reject life and existence and thus choose death and extermination yourself, making it much more your choosing than Gods punishment.

Then there is the eternal torment in the flames, this is what Satan, the false prophet and the beast will receive, as well as those taking the mark of the beast, noone else.

no, we are entering the second beast right now.

here is litteral proof of christ for anyone who wants it. read the bible afterwords.

shroud of turin

proof satan runs the world from both sides, both dark and light.


i highly reccomend all of alexandras videos. remember, if you seek god and pray, and search with all your heart and soul, you WILL find god and christ. you have to make the first move.

>play Fallout 4
>install sex mods
>shift timelines
When you god mod, God mods YOU

>no, we are entering the second beast right now.
getting out the tinfoil hat now
I tend to believe that the september prophecy marked the first half of the tribulations (pic related), or maybe that eclipse in that same year. the second half, where the beast has control over the earth would then roughly fit the with the lockdown meassures ensuing around that other eclipse in 2024.
the halfway point the beast takes controll is around the end of 2019/beginning of 2020 then, may 2019 zelensky became president and he is surviving a mortal wound away to rise up as the second beast and be worshiped. also around the time jewish rabbis talked about being in contact with their messiah
the biggest problem with that theory is that the entirety of Satans forces would consist of jobbers not getting their essential part of the prophecy regarding the mark done until the time is over and making this whole thing entirely anti climactic.
but then again it would fit that God makes his faithful unphased by all of this and also would fit the type of humor i expect him to havr that people take the mark fearing to starve and be homeless to then have God return the very next day making everyone give up their salvation for nothing
The 7 years tribulations then would and in 2024 which has another great solar eclipse going through the US

You dont get in anywhere without vaccine. To be able to check if you are vaccinated you need some proof, in example an RFID chip.
Since it transmits germs and viruses we just get rid of cash and make all money electronic (as they are trying to do for a few decades now)
Since there is no cash and everyone has such a chip we can use that chip now too as a credit card.
Now you can neither buy or sell anything anymore, unless you get the chip/mark

those would be my assumptions for the future


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This semitic mind virus rot your brain worse than bath salts

> , Gnostic faggotry. The belief that you are or can become a "god" is Satanic and I believe will be the Antichrist deception. Something like take this mark of the beast so I can indwell you with my "holy spirit" to unlock your "god" or "angel" powers.

Reminder the Antichrist or at least the movement he will emerge from is going to expose and destroy the cartoonishly "evil" Illuminati and the NWO. The digital passport is a decoy mark of the beast.

I do not trust her, I think she is one of those people who offers a lot of truth but mixes in some lies. I bailed on her when I heard her say the Antichrist is not a singular person but whatever she said, don't even remember, but it was nonsense. Something like the Antichrist is just those who oppose Christ or something like that, which is nonsense, there will be a singular Antichrist people take the mark of the beast to worship.

The vaccine / digital passport are decoys, the Antichrist will get rid of them to appear as a hero.

All I have on Christianity, the teachings, morals, philosophy, law, history, origin etc.

Christianity being in opposition to jewry:
Pagan gods being the angels
Historical Evidence for Jesus
How Christianity transformed the wold
Correcting claims on common misrepresented parts of the history:
Sodom and Gomorrah<
"Dinosaurs", Behemoths and Nephilim
Teachings, Doctrines and Guidelines
Pauls work
OT and NT belonging together:
The destruction of the Temple
Logical argument for the christian God
Different teachings within Genesis:
Sun as symbol for God
Purpose behind good and evil
Afterlife and Judgementday:
Why Jesus is needed:
Role of the chosen people

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The Indi Sermon Collection

On forgiveness and sinning.
Trust in God as an excuse to do nothing
Appealing to the masses, but abbominable to God
Confusing mercy and patience with weakness

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Bad thread. Timelines? Alternate earths? Schizo ramblings. Not for me. Bye


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I dont know i definitely feel like I am in some kind of personal hell. my greatest sin is anger. I am so sick of spics and jews and living in a low trust society that gets worse by the day.

understandable, but know that when judged according to your deeds you are as dead in your sin as any jew would be.
there is nothing wrong about rightous anger, but anger should never be your motivator. Even in punishment we should act in love and compassion, if not for the culprit then for those we want to protect from him.
Consider how often you offend God, and if He who is without fault can forgive you, then you, who has many faults (as we all have) should also be able to forgive others.
When you forgive others then im sure God will also forgive your acts, and as a result you will probably improve, even if just by not being filled with anger all the time.

I always hold that the commandment of the universal love is as simple as it is difficult, as it feels nearly impossible to love some of the individuals we are faced with, yet this is also the most important command I believe


Solipsism? Seems unlikely. Altho the idea of multiple npcs seems likely.


It would be unfair since you can't control 100% of your surroundings and the decisions and actions of other people which ultimately lead to situations that affect you negatively.

happy you are still with us after all this time german bro. Thanks man.

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