John M. Allegro

Has Any Forums ever discussed John M Allegro's interpretation of the Copper Scrolls and his "The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross" in which he describes the origin of Christianity in fertility cults of the near east.
I personally enjoy the interpretation of certain things but i would love the diverse collection of apologists and atheists to argue on this topic in general. The origin of Christianity and if it even matters if anything written is true.

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Im OP from another device so you cant argue im a one post retard


I'm also OP, I guzzle cum all day.

thanks for your contribution

its ironic that the great reset is the globohomo agenda, given that the mystery hidden away in the mushroom high, is the ability to collectivly reset a heirarchy to solve all concievable issues that are present and in reasonable foresight

i dont agree with your flat earth gabber but the rest might be true although not for the same reasons you might lay forward.

Honestly magic mushrooms make pretty much everything make more sense.

Probably a big nosed hippie trying to avoid the obvious fact Jewsus Kike was the alt-right of the big nosed roman elite: trying to pack all their opposition together into one huge jewish piece of shit.

yeah most of the outlandish stories and rules make much more sense if a psychosis was induced or a state of hallucination.

my point is that the use of mushrooms is slightly more important than a 12000 year old deathcult being publicly disputed at the very core of the proof for their bullshit

does anyone here remember a very similar book both in the cover and theme called something like "Christ Mushroom Consciosness" by some P. M. Das i would guess making a reference to the math system of hierarchy. Could never really find that book again, but hopefully this rings a bell on some user around

12000 years? the beginning of civilization?

This new one, yea

"The Dead Sea Scrolls and the Christian Myth" is a more recent reconsidaration of Allegro's idea with additions to it. idk what you're referring to unfortunately.

>the ability to preserve records makes a people civilized
perhaps, but suppose not? hmm?

bizarre. after a bunch of rain and fog for the last 2 weeks, I have a bunch of different kinds of mushrooms popping up in all my garden beds.
I was looking right now for an identification book to buy online.
came back to the catalog and saw this thread.

>yeah most of the outlandish stories and rules make much more sense if a psychosis was induced or a state of hallucination.
Take the movie Northman and use it to set a stage in your mind for the cult of Odin. Same thing would probably functionally be true in early christian churches or Mithraic temples.

>underground in a cave
>man gives you magic mushrooms that are floating in mead
>man teaches to to be wise to the evil ways of women
>man teaches you to embrace the wolf/bear when it is time for war

Or alternatively you are taken to a cave, lit only by candlelight, where yoy are given the
>body of christ
You slowely get high as fuck while in cave
Man preaches in the darkness of the cabe about light (jesus)
Many such happenings.

Stoned Ape Hypothesis is probablybtrue.

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i mean what proof do you have of cities being built before this time? I'd like to read more about it

the first civilization was discovered rather than recorded afaik

that makes you sound dumb

yeah i saw the parallels in Northman. great example.

well the book isnt really about fungi more about their influence but im happy that you've found interest in Mycology

appreciate it nonetheless, will check both books you have suggested

well oppose me with evidence. I like to learn and read.

there's something about the effect of light on a trip. i can't quite put my finger on it but light definitely has a huge impact on the sort of trip you're gonna have. also the play of shadows, but that's also light isn't it?

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i was saying for a fact that a cultish idea that has plagued men for 12k yr os directly under attack by the propagation of op

>yeah i saw the parallels in Northman. great example
Lots of them make sense, take the Sod house for example, thats literally the chimney and the entrance for a lot of them.
I would totally believe that
>santa claus
Is actually
>wotan, wofen, Odinn
But represented by a shaman coming through the roof and giving the mushrooms.

I also cannot imagine aanothet reasonhy snypne sould see flying reindeer

you might consider that existence is painful, and light is both pleasurable and a pain greater than existence simultaneously

absence of light yes. although i've never taken drugs i'm quite fascinated with the study of it's influence. i think vision get's scewed when under the influence yet the recognition of light and dark maintains accurate when details fade. the mind fills the gaps and stories are created.