And what (((Science))) would this be? I'm sure it doesn't factor in niggers and illegal firearms

And what (((Science))) would this be? I'm sure it doesn't factor in niggers and illegal firearms.

Attached: 45terertert.png (648x832, 468.71K)

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Its a lie.
Communists and tyrants always lie.

You can stop them with your gun if you want.

Science repeatedly lied about Covid. Science was wrong about the vaccines. No rational person should be trusting "science" blindly.

99% of people aren't rational. They either go completely by emotion or, worse yet, lie.

Maybe these liberals should be shot? No liberals, means no protests or articles about guns. Just saying.

>mass child murderers say that giving up your right to defend yourself will save children
Yes, the fox will explain how to keep your chickens safe. I'm sure it's a good idea to believe them.

Attached: Joe Biden killed these kids in Afghanistan.jpg (1200x674, 171.32K)

There is science, then there is (((science))). The latter is simply dogma

The actual data has proven that more guns equals less crime.

Terrorism is just part and parcel of living in a big city.
-- Sadiq Khan (London Mayor)

His response to institutionalized child rape, murders of children, trucks of peace, bombings, acid attack, knife attacks etc etc etc.

They don't give a fuck when white people die. They only care when white people kill.

media is to blame

all those in MSM are the mortal and eternal enemy

no it doesn’t

yes it does
criminals get guns no matter what, so arm those whom are not criminals

if you don't trust the science they WILL force it upon you

>Politics Insider
Uh, they' spotlight what they want.

>gun violence problem
It's a small proportion of all deaths, and rifle kills like in the Texas school are a tiny amount of all gun deaths. Leftist media lies and exaggerates to get their way, because leftists erroneously believe their presumed moral superiority makes them right about everything. They can do no wrong; they can never be wrong. Mangling science with unfalsifiable concepts and injection of political or moral goals (which are completely irrelevant to the determination of facts) is to them perfectly fine, because it's for a good cause and their opponents must all be bad people.

science is a methodology that requires minimal variables and nearly constant repeatability.

no, it doesn’t.
>criminals get guns no matter what
why even have laws then?

Maybe you should ask what people are the ones repeatedly breaking said laws?

10s of millions of people have died from various genocides in the past century. If they were arent as well as the 'gun nuts' in America, that death toll would clearly be far lower. What genocide... just name one... happened to a group of people/a society that was well armed? Not one. As tragic as school shootings are, they're like 6 orders of magnitude less tragic than genocides, which are really and have happened in numerous places. We need the right to bear arms simply for the sake of keeping the powers at bay

“Science” in the context of these politically charged news articles are always fundamentally flawed in their methods.

but POCs don't have equal access to firearm IDs

what “people” are repeatedly running into schools and killing kids?

Most seem to be Jews or Mexicans, honestly. Still, their numbers are dwarfed by niggers in big cities killing each other. You're well aware of this, though.

even aside from the explicit anti-gun/political agendas propagated by corporate mass media platforms,
they endlessly shill for mass murderers and cult of personality therein around mass indiscriminate killings, keeping in forefront of public psyche.
"what bleeds leads" but 10,000× more corrosive

Attached: this is extremely dangerous to our democracy_ZggCipbiHwE_maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 81.51K)

Exactly you retard
Gun laws are not meant to disarm criminals they are meant to disarm the public at large
Democrat's opposed stop and frisk which removed guns from street thugs in NYC. They have no interest in disarming criminals

Educate yourself faggot
Gun laws were debunked decades ago

>they are meant to disarm the public at large
>muh scary government
your guns aren’t going to do shit against the government if it really comes down to it
>muh afghanistan
how many US soldiers died vs how many civilians? AND we didn’t even carpet bomb them. if it really came down to it your guns wouldn’t save you