This has to be a false flag to arm citizens right?

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>trusting your false flag operation to Mexicans

The white cops only went for their white kids

It's the opposite actually. It's a false flag to show the country that you can't trust your locally elected law enforcement. You need the government approved glownigger task force to protect you.

Based. Mexicans starting the second American revolution on accident. I guess that’s why their beans are “refried”, they couldn’t get it right the first time

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Interesting take. You’re probably right. Distrust in local government so they can usher in their world government..

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USA is doomed.
You will fall before Russia is weakened...
I give you 2 more weeks

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It’s funny how this has turned from a gun rights issue, to seemingly overnight, changing to a police issue

Why would the police put their life at risk for 80k a year and mediocre pension?

seems like a colossal fuckup

I dont buy it, only because send polic3 now is something a third party would say.

Soneone in immediate danger says help us, come get us, i wanna go home, i want my mommy. And even are you coming? When are you coming? Are you here yet?

But not send police now.

The town is essentially Mexico. Most of the responding pigs were 5 foot tall 5 foot wide goblinx.
They have uniforms and guns but other than possessing those items they have no ability to do the bit.
It's called cargo culting and as our land and institutions are filled with more of these third world imports you will only see more of this.
A literal off duty, chad, white, beaner wrangler went in there and used his personal pistol to end it.

Grazed by bullets. Lol

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They really do not want people looking into how this dirt-poor kid living with his grandparents managed to afford over $5000 of weapons and equipment the moment he turned 18.

Please understand... it would damage our democracy...

>The white cops only went for their white kids
What white people?

Because the police failure is astounding. How the fuck did they fail that bad in community that small? It wasn't Houston or Los Angeles cities of over 4 million people, but a town of less than 20,000.

Why is everything a false flag to you people. Why can't you understand it's simple incompetence and a regression of standards?

200 years of Mexican bleaching right there.

Because 9/11 was legitimately a false flag and if they can orchestrate that they can manage to create a school shooting

The police won't even protect children and you want our fucking guns?

Because there's no evidence this shit even happened? None whatsoever. There's no even witness testimony. It's fucking fake.

No, this is being shilled for a federal police force; look at the border patrol they're putting up on a pedestal. Fuck it, if we're going to be a police state may as well join up

Because literally every part of the last two mass shootings have been extremely suspicious.

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Were the cops taking orders from someone that wasn't at the scene ? Because in that case it makes sense

eat shit. you give leafs a bad name

The little girl who called 911 could literally hear the police radio chatter outside the room, as they chillaxed for 45 minutes. That’s probably why she’d tell them to send police, while she continued to play dead.

because manufacturing false flags is easy as fuck?? you do realize most of history is fake right

Give up your guns so the police can leave you to die helpless