Any Forums opinion on felons owning guns

What does Any Forums think about this topic? Do you believe restricting them from purchasing fire arms is going against the second amendment?

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Yes I don't believe blacks should own guns

>Glownigger datamining
Do not reply

I think if they serve their time(including probation/parole) they should be permitted to purchase a firearm.

>Do you believe restricting them from purchasing fire arms is going against the second amendment?
Yes, but so many niggers are felons that I'm torn on the issue. Similar to the abortion issue really, my natural position is skewed because of shitskins. Such is life in Muttland.

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>asks a valid question given how you all won’t even support needing classes to obtain guns
>must be a glownigger
Kys freezing-temp iq retard

Criminals should not own guns the laws already in the books should be strictly enforced

Aww, is racist piece of shit maaaadf?

>*ring* *ring* *ring*

it's racist to call people blacks felons now? lol you guyzzz

If i cant trust someone to carry a gun, i also can't trust them with a knife, hammer, strong length of rope or larger muscles.

If someone is deemed too dangerous to carry a handgun in public, they should not be in public at all.

Its just another gun grab and you fucks are too dumb to see it. If you're a criminal you should be in jail. If you've done your time and you're a freeman then you should have the same rights as all the other freemen.

This. Armed robbery, assault, and murder should be life in prison. Everything else isnt a real crime.

Good point and based satanic trips

based post.
even losers who get a felony dwi lose their gun rights, how gay is that?

What the fuck is Any Forums?

depends on the felony

just saying NIGGER can get you a felony

so no

>Criminals cant own guns its illegal
>Only criminals own guns
>Biggest mass shooting in this country was a guy who was banned from owning guns
Debate is stupid. Leftism is a joke.

The left is winning though. What does that make the right?

Only violent felonies should bar you.

The left is not winning. Tell me how disney stock has performed since they went woke. The peft lies, cheats and steals to stay in power. They can't win honestly, so they have bent and broken the system and subverted education to their benefit. Look at how useless zoomers are. Devoid of free thought. Completely demoralized. Beautiful victims for totalitarianism. Thanks Gen X for a couple decades of punk rock before handing the world over to globohomo. You really "stuck it to the man"

After your sentence is up your rights should be fully restored and your record expunged. If someone is too dangerous for this, why the fuck are they not still in prison?

Weapon carry restrictions are somehow even dumber than outright weapon bans.

For example in leafland to have a handgun, you have to pass a pair of courses (roughly 2 days), register the gun, be a memeber of a range, pass a daily criminal record check, and keep it unloaded behind 2 locks (safe+ trigger) when storing it. And you can only transport it unloaded, triggerlocked, caselocked, and to ranges only.

Does any of that stop a legal canuck handgun gun owner that lost their shit from ignoring all that, unlocking their shit, loading it, and carrying it concealed? Not for a second. So what is the point? If im already deemed fit to posess a handgun, what is the point of not letting me carrying it? If i pop my cork and decide to use a legal gun to shoot shit up( which never happens!!), the carry laws wont prevent me from already having the thing.

owning and carrying guns must be mandatory for felons to stay in character

It's like being allowed to own a car, but not drive it because pearl clutchers are worried you might go nuts and go for the vehicular homicide high score. Someone who has a car can do that whether or not they're allowed to drive. If you're sane enough to own it, you are also sane enough to use it.

Fucking retarded.

herbs and spices, this is datamining

That's winning, faggot. There are no rules in real life. Just power and doing what you can get away with.

>any post here that is an actual question and is not just reinforcing our echo-chamber is data-mining
Holy fuck you’re retarded

I think with voting and gun ownership they shouldn't be allowed until 3 years after leaving prison

They control your institutions. They control your corporations. They run your government. They import third world immigrants by the tens of millions. They teach your children and sign your paychecks. If this is the level of thought that youre currently capable of you will continue to sink into the mire without realizing youre drowning.

Just because someone practices felon dafa doesnt mean they are bad people, its just breathing and moving.

Then they should be in prison for 3 more years. If you are a freeman then you are a freeman. End of story.

>Do you believe restricting them from purchasing fire arms is going against the second amendment?
Yes it does. It is the equivalent to saying that a felon no longer has the God-given right to self-defense after they have served their time. If they can't be trusted with the full restoration of their rights upon release, then you've admitted they aren't rehabilitated and they should remain in prison.

>muh niggers
Exactly -- they should simply remain in prison when they haven't shown any sign of rehabilitation. Instead, we release them knowing that they will just continue their carnage until they're thrown back in again.

I think a few years without would make a big difference between reformed and repeat offenders