Why are mexicans the master race and not whites or niggers?

We helped Nazis with Jose Vasconcelos ( inventor of the cosmic race )
We are still here dealing with the greater Satan next to us.
Superior food and superior culture in the continent
seriously bros, why are we so superior?

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because they arent?

I've been to Mexico. You guys are subhumans.

lmao pinoys are the true master race. cope paco

Kek you're not even a race. You're mutts. The only monoracial country in latin america is like argentina, and bolivia for the indians

bro stop,its just embarrasing.


Tijuana doesn't count... we basically call it Haitijuana
yes they are, they are our descendants
no, we are the cosmic race

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The master race? The master race of what not using toilet paper? Wiping with their hands?

Jose vasconcelos? The baseball player?

You can go for weeks in Mexico without seeing an attractive woman.

You guys are too flooded with spics; you're up to your eyes in spics; there are so many spics where you live that it has blinded you to the obvious truth that you are essentially a ghoul from fallout, user. It's true. All of Mexico is Tijuana. Tijuana is the fanciest district in all of Mexico

>Tijuana is the fanciest district in all of Mexico

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>mows my lawn


Why does Tijuana not count? I’ve been to CDMX, Victoria, Oaxaca, Campeche and MTY, and can confidently say outside of a minority of white to whiteish outliers, the rest of Mexico is subhuman mongrel trash.

>Le master race
>Average IQ in Mexico: 88

>cdmx, urbanite wasteland
>victoria, mty are just desertic wastelands
no pocho no, you have to go back

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You raise a fair point but you're overlooking the main issue. Let me explain it to you: argaytina is a piece of nigger shit useless country and niggertinian "people" are the most despicable, subhuman and useless shitblooded browngoloids on the surface of Earth. Argaytinians are walking anthropomorphic mountains of shit whose cadavres aren't even useful as manure and browngentina is a giant radioactive scat dungeon that should be nuked and glassed, repeating the operation one million times until nothing remains on its place for at least one million eons. A virus that targets only niggertinian hominids should be created to assure the extermination of every single argaytinian piece of turd subhuman roaming out there until nothing of this giant latrine remains on the record of history. The argaytinian flag looks like the trans flag because this is a country of useless dick crippled subhumans whose blood shouldn't even touch the Earth as it would contaminate it and ruin it forever. A vaporizing weapon would be the best kind of thing to use against the argaytinian cockroaches to fully delete them from this plane. Fuck you, fuck me and fuck thid nigger piece of shit useless shithole country and fuck every single niggertinian ape, their dead parents and ancestors, their raped sisters, their killed mothers and every other humanoid trash they call family

who needs IQ when you have gas ( and eth ) ?
is this a pasta?

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>be argaytinian
>have nigger, kike and indio blood on his beings
>cities full of niggers and leftists who shot each other and fuck trannies
>countryside full of low iq mestizos who stab each other and fuck cows and horses
>drink pee flavoured, baby diarrhea coloured infusion that was drank by indians
>be ruled by castizo nigger army man who cuts you off the rest of the world
>have no culture of his own except copied from europe (yet calls americans out for doing the same)
>have no army, last time tried to fight an european army got rekt so hard still cries to this day
>niggertinian children starve and don't know how to read and write
>niggertinian universities barely teaching what a steam machine is
>niggertinian doctors have the same qualifications of a nigger witch doctor in the middle of africa
>fact: niggertinians have brown nipples
>worship a dead cocaine nigger
>get sexually aroused with trannies
>women full of silicone and plastic to emulate nigger women
>believe you're european
Can't make this shit up lmaooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Apparently mowing lawns and huffing Krylon is the key to transcending this plane.

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Mexico is great and all but there are too many spics.

a la verga, si se parece a roberto

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