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Europe never had any decent comeback from the 2008 debt crisis due to Greece and QE.

US growth is all tech. When that bubble bursts it's back to EU level.

Unironically you can say thanks to the FED for this. Your central bank makes more sense than euro central bank.

This means nothing you double nigger

capitalism beats socialism

lmao I put 100% of my money in S&P 500 back in 2009.. now I am rich and I spit on all poor rural retarded hicks in their pickup trucks

I'm up like 50% just on energy. We still got oil.going for us.

Probably worse since Congress does everything in their power to kill any manufacturer, natural resource exploitation, or agricultural related. The entire economy is all propped up tech and service industry garbage that can't weather any sort of recession.

DoorDash has a $27B market cap. You think anyone's going to pay $30 to get a fucking Big Mac delivered when there's the slightest economic downturn?

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its anudda shoah, lipschitz

boootiful darling just bootiful really peachy.

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Lol soon

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show real estate prices and cost of living

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>Probably worse since Congress does everything in their power to kill any manufacturer, natural resource exploitation, or agricultural related. The entire economy is all propped up tech and service industry garbag

Yeah, its completely in their jewing interests, they actually dont give a shit about making anything, its big real estate trying to get land for cheap.

protect the environment my ass, they just wanna build more for less.

hold on buckaroo, those tits need a belly and a phat booty

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the funny thing is that European capital is now going to America because of the sanctions wars . America is literally sucking Europe kek

Why would you say that when cost of living is significantly higher in europe?

>keep pumping up speculative stock "value"
>pump it to 600% even though nothing of value has actually been produced
>"holy shit we're 600% richer!!!"
>eventually the rot becomes too much for the top 5% investors to bear
>they cash out and leave you holding the bag
>stock price "crashes" to more realistic level
>"NOOOOO my speculated value that never even existed!!! It's all gone!!! This is a catastrophe!!!"

>printing trillions makes stocks go up
>hurr this means we're richer
The average american is poor as shit, and we're all gonna be poor as shit when the bubble bursts, which it will eventually.

Amen. And I love it.

We can see where all of that growth is going

Attached: eu-usa.jpg (800x450, 108.4K)

God damn! That’s an oldfag meme. I remember seeing that like 10 years ago

Cope. Americans are all rich, programmers make 100k straight out of college. Even tradesfags make six figures with just a few years experience