Abort or Not to Abort

Your wife is pregnant
You find out your child will have Down syndrome
Do you get an abortion (assume your wife will go with your decision)
Pic unrelated

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my mom had a c-section
how fucked am i?

I train him to become the king of the downies and take over the world

will mr skeletal be alright?

that gif gave me a boner.
how fucked am i?

Carry to term and leave him on the hillside spartan style

I beat my wife for failing to do her one job correctly

first you must defeat me in battle

Obviously. Allowing retards to be born is abhorrent. I'd probably kill wife and myself too for creating the abomination

abort abort abort

Your mom is a man. Sorry bro. You were basically ripped out of a man's colon.


Down's syndrome should be considered a severe developmental disorder, and there's literally nothing wrong with aborting fetuses with those issues.


Downies are cute and innocent yet are retard strong
I would keep the fellow and milk the government for gibs

As long as we first ban porn and sex outside of marriage then I'm less against abortion, because whores are the main ones getting it. However, it should be banned first along with all contraceptives and condoms to discourage fornication and make outlawing fornication and porn easier.

If you say abort you should not have kids
Your basically saying you want a thing to make you happy (as such you will most likely abuse a child when you are not happy with them).

>Any Forums

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Nah, plenty of downies grow up to be fairly reasonable weirdos.

we were never technically born bro. Our moms can still abort us if were in a blue state

>had false positive down syndrome flag with first child
>more testing to assess risk, better tests found 1/10,000 chance. By time all tests were done baby was at 32weeks.
>carried baby to term, born normal.

It's an emotional Rollercoaster user, just try to make the most informed decision you can. There would be no greater tragedy than aborting a healthy baby at risk of a genetic disorder. On the other hand DS varies greatly, from zero quality of life for the whole family to a relatively 'normal' life for child. DS also goes hand jn hand with other disabilities like hearing/sight/cognitive. It's a tough choice and good experience about how you and your partner will handle crisis as a family.

Downies passes paternally

If you think about it for a second this is your potential future
You vote a certain way so they tell you, your child will have downs
It's exactly what you open the door for if you think this is right

Down syndrome is a hell of a thing. Every organ and system is retarded, forever. Abort. It can be detected so early, you can abort with an injection and just tell your friends it was a miscarriage if you want.

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I wouldn’t people with down’s syndrome seem so happy and blissfully unaware

They are happy as children, but things get bad when they reach about 30 and their bodies begin to fall apart.