Why are public schools a thing?

It's such a bizarre concept.

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so that the government can brainwash children

It's a federal program to free women from a comfortable housewife future.

Ask the FBI

Do you really want a bunch of poor teenagers running around town while the adults are at work? It’s a public service that is well worth the investment to put these feral children in a containment zone during the day.

Yes I do. If they're dumb they sort themselves out in traffic. Schools will only have above average IQ students.

So people don't end up like you Cleetus

Public school and grades are the biggest crime of humanity.
Millions of people each year kill themselves or or destroyed for live because of the psychological horrors of public school.

Even if you ignore
>trash teacher
and all other things which are common and experienced by anyone, and JUST IMAGINE THAT SCHOOL IS HEAVEN ON EARTH, even then public school would be WORSE for learning than learning at home. And this is SCIENTIFICALLY PROVEN, that even the best school in the most advantageous assumptions is still worse than learning at home with the rules explained in books like "Make it Stick".

Even a "grade A" student can get brain fucked with a "B+". That's right. Even a person who is considered (which in itself is already saying that some people get officially grade discriminated) the best of the best can be fucked through the grade system.

Public School and Grades need to be make illegal by the constitution. School is the biggest crime against humanity because it is considered a "good thing". Hell, even fucking parking tickets are considered "a more serious problem" then the literally killing ground of people lives and love in science.

Why is this such a difficult concept to understand?

>both parents have to work full time
>parents are probably dumb as a box of rocks
>kids have to be around other kids thier own age

they need to be abolished

I understand you wanna stay home and fuck around on the computer all day, but I gotta keep you out of trouble.

So tired of memeflags and their shit opinions. Every. Single. Time

there is no need for public school in the modern era
parents need to take some fucking responsibility and teach their own children
there's WAY too many things wrong with the current system, it's too expensive and its only benefit is brainwashing children

Apparently you don't want school shootings to stop you fucking kike

why can't they get some lower-risk jobs to earn some money, learn things, and build a skillset while learning how grown adults socialize and conduct themselves? Instead of being locked in pseudo-prison with childless women who hate them and learning how such women tyrannize people smaller than them.

John Taylor Gatto is the man you need to look into to fully open your mind on the subject. In a nutshell public schools were pushed hard by elites in the 19th century as a means to train generations of obedient factory employees for said elites. By the 20th century this evolved into full blown social engineering. Public schooling is the method by which the culture is engineered and each successive generation becomes more docile, infantile, and controllable. Talk to any young Zoomer today and they are anxious, risk-averse, and hopelessly addicted to stimuli. Childhood has now been extended past the teens.

Steal more money from working class property owners

>parents need to take some fucking responsibility and teach their own children
Says who? You? You're putting too much trust and responsibility with normies and shitty parents.
>Apparently you don't want school shootings to stop you fucking kike
They're not going to stop lest they become completely militarized
>calling me a kike
Gotta love the white flag being flown in text form. Love it. Never change, Any Forums!

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Because they teach you to be a useless faggot and guarantee you learn no functional work skills in your formative years while simultaneously replacing your family’s conservative values with permissive nonsense. The public school system is a tyrannical government’s most valuable asset.

Came here to post this

>you learn no functional work skills
Showing up to work on time is a skill.

Are you my personal fed?