French Are Non-White

French people are people of color, even the blonds. When Anglos exterminated French language in Louisiana they did campaigns saying SPEAK WHITE, meaning speak English, because French was seen as a strange metis language.

The French-English language dichotomy is the primary cultural binary in North America, and French language is allied with Spanish. French are a Latino people like Hispanics. French was called Roman before called French.

The Anglos in Louisiana did campaigns of forced English speaking against French, this is why Quebec has been struggling to preserve French.

When I see Frenchies here identify with The White Race or White America it breaks my heart. French are more similar to Mexicans than Anglo-Saxons(English speaking people of all colors)

French Americans are French race, they are not White, they are Latino. French are people of color. Even if they have red hair and green eyes.

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just fuck off my board already we know nick is a faggot
go home faggot

You're retarded

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that's a manbaby

Why did you even take the time to write thus. Shut the fuck up.

t. Jamal Rodriguez Shekelblum

99% of my family is french, the rest is scottish
I have green and blue eyes
Fuck you nigger

to be called retarded by racists is a compliment

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genetically there is no difference between germans (west-germany) and french people, both are basically franks

The OP is a faggot of the highest calibre

Genetics isn't ethnicity, culture is. French people if they are Germanic genetically, are Romanized Germans, which makes them Latino just as Romanized Aztecs are Latino

Latino means your culture comes from Italy, it doesn't mean your genetics. Although I am not saying you had a position on that, YOU MADE A SALIENT POINT SIR.


*heterosexual of highest calibre

fixed it

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OP is a retarded kike who understands nothing about whites

>who understands nothing about whites

thank God


you are ok

You're really grasping here mutt, I sincerely hope you burn in hell and praise the man who sends you there.

>French people are people of color, even the blonds. When Anglos exterminated French language in Louisiana they did campaigns saying SPEAK WHITE, meaning speak English, because French was seen as a strange metis language.
Imagine getting butthurt for centuries by some NORF chad yelling shit at you because he didn't like the sound of your mumbling

Nice ass

*lights cigar*
Looks like I've won.

you are eternally branded by jews from birth when they circumcise you

English is Normandized Saxon.
Norman is a French dialect.
That means Anglos are Latinos.
That makes WASPs non-white.

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Its okay, French culture is so rich we can stand on our own. "White" culture though, idk if it is worth anything without the French contribution. All the great anglo and american artists are unironically jews. kek.

The Latino People are: ROMANia, France(Franks), Italy(THE MOTHERLAND), Argentina, LATIN America, QUEBEC, The Metis Nations of Canada, Mexico, Spain, that country near Spain, and Haiti.


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Lmao seethe

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Only if they study The KJV Bible