Based Musk

Musk realizes the libertarian fantasy of owning guns is a joke

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Elon approves of 9x39mm then.

What a fucking nigger.

elon is from a place where niggers kill disarmed whites every day and wants to disarm whites here

They already do this

>Billionaire troll says something..

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Sure, elon, just as soon as your security forces ditch their guns, I'll ditch mine, and we can settle this with fists, but you are a rich spoiled pussy who has never been in a fight in your life

oh look, this thread again.

I hope he gets all the rape charges.

Lmao shush up keyboard commando

Nigger why do you think South Africans never did shit? They are cucked just like the westoid whites are cucked.

His security force would have gun licenses, which you should be able to get if your not a fucking retarded schizo, which you are.

Things you will never be:

> A woman

It won't help with mass shootings though, when someone shots a child in the head it doesn't matter much whether the bullet was supersonic, or subsonic (subsonic can operate with suppressors btw).

disarm whites? by his logic of doing competent vetting for owning an assault rifle, respected whites will be the only ones who own them retard

(And Jews)

Doesn't this guy sell a bunch of flamethrowers? Shut the fuck up

Kys fat bitch. Fat is ugly and always will be. God you smell like shit

Yeah, and that'll really stop the niggers in South Africa from owning one.

He's a privileged retard. Why don't people realize that when events happen, it doesn't need to result in policy changes. Bad things just happen and you can't stop them.

Elon Musk doesn't get to decide what firearms I own.

Also, the vast majority of gun crime is committed with handguns.

Musk just outed himself as a retarded faggot. The super sonic ammo bit is straight msm-tier nonsense.

>Based Musk
I see musk as the same as women who tell you everything you wanna hear until marriage and then you find out that she was a hoe and had multiples abortions by nigs and used to be beaten down and still love her ex and give him her money on a weekly basis

Attached: twitter women 127 nuts.jpg (601x713, 68.95K)

>Elon approves of 9x39mm then.
shit son my 300 blk will fit right in with a 40rd mag and subs.... it might not be extremely accurate at anything over 200yrds but shit its pretty bad ass at 100yrds

think of the chirren.... picrel

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>mentally ill kill people
>lets take the populace right of self defense and means of defence they have instead of research and welfare for mentally ill
Yeah, sure, taking peoples rights is sure the solution, its not like 99% of the world out there does thd same and violent and abusive
Fucking lemmings i suer

Weapon ownership SHOULD be regulated, in the same way vehicle and equipment ownership is. Elevators require licenses.
The problem is that the FEDERAL government shouldn't regulate them because that takes power from states.
And states should regulate them in principle, where counties and the populace could rebel if the regulatory authority is abused.

But since the 14th amendment, the one irony of the liberal fantasy, is the 2d amendment jurisprudence extends into the states' ability to regulate guns.

There's no reason why some civic authority - perhaps the county sheriff's office - shouldn't have the power to demand a person show mental competence and knowledge of use and safety to own a firearm.
And then what you do is if a person is called in for violations of county firearms regulations, a grand jury is required to prosecute.
So literally the government will not be in a position to abuse the power, but if some jackass who shouldn't have guns does, it's prevented.

And in theory, a state can ban gun ownership outside of regulated, drilled state militia and kept in state armories. But I personally would vote against such a regulatory order within whichever state I lived for being prone to abuse.

Either way, the 2d amendment is meant to apply to federal laws.
Zero gun regulations is a protective measure, but is meant for the federal power. It doesn't mean there shouldn't be any gun regulations in America.

Still, we have to admit that really the 14th amendment DID federalize the states, by federalizing the state citizens. So there is no longer a protective layer. There are no political societies possessing popular sovereignty which would have just authority to regulate firearms. And so it's literally the individuals themselves vs. the feds and this hole we're in why guns shouldn't be regulated.
You have to rework the whole constitutional order to create conditions which would allow for more gun regulation.

So a 10/22 is an assault rifle? Musk is a retard who stick to what he knows.

Who is this Elon person?
Never heard of her.

who is doing the vetting?

Attached: Chief Equity Announcement REVISED.png (1920x1080, 738.73K)

What if there were a string of white supremacists who bought Tesla's and used them specifically to kill people? Would Elon ban electric vehicles?

Mentally unstable people sometimes commit horrific crimes. I think the kid who shot up the supermarket is a fucking idiot. And if he did it for the white race, then he's an even bigger fucking idiot. But blaming the gun is a cop out. The reality is the person is unstable. He'd made threats to shoot up the school in the past (talking about the supermarket shooting). So he should not have been given a gun license to begin with.

But I guess that's too much red tape to deal with.

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