Leaked picture of the New Jersey shooter, wtf is up with these mass shootings lately?

Attached: DfgvLn8UwAMbnlv.jpg (900x1200, 100.39K)

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wtf whered u get that pic of me

Normal day in America.

>wtf is up with these mass shootings lately?
american societal schizophrenia has no more meds (cheap gas) and is having violent outbursts
inshallah the collapse of the american state is complete in 2 years

Red deer

Speedrunning is popular atm.
Gotta make it to the top!

reports of him walking and waving his arm around

fuckit dood hehehehehe

i miss ice so fucking much i fucking hate twitch

According to his family he used to work at a restaurant then got fired and lost his shit, this mf threatened to kill everyone in that restaurant but got caught, thoughts?

he truly looks balkanezer

Glwoniggers are working double overtime because they keep fucking up their optics. They're literally just having ad many people killed as they can until we don't find their influence on the killer so they can spin the bullshit they want. Buffalo started out with talking about gun control, but then the narrative got shifted into our autistic investigation. They tried again with the taiwanese church shooting but couldn't spin that one either because it was asian on asian violence. They tried again woth the school shooting but then we all focused on the fact that cops literally just let it happen for an hour. I'm sure they'll be screaming gun control for all of 5 seconds until this case gets memoryholed because we found the glownigger link.

For real?

What arm thing homie?


i just google searched nj shooting and nothing comes up.

you figured it out

Is he throwing his hands in the air like he just doesn't care?



heh heh fugg it dude

lmao Ice piss looking more like a Jewish Mark Collet everyday


hes part Jew, his disgusting mutt mother is part Caananite

27% jew fucking kek

he still streams and scams his users retard

Thanks, fren

His accomplish.

Attached: blades-teeth.jpg (553x600, 55.77K)

kek wtf happened to him after the shitcoin scam? did he get beat up?

Attached: tonguething.gif (264x314, 2.55M)

if there’s a new jersey then there has to be an old jersey and an ancient jersey


>wtf is up with these mass shootings lately?
When covid lockdowns first happened I saw an user predict it. Essentially the post was that everyone is on coping drugs and sanity is hanging on by a thread. Then they were told that if they didn't isolate they were evil. So they sit in the internet all day getting their socialization from a faceless mass that is constant judgement, anger, and pity. Then they're released back onto the world with a "we did it, reddit!" and expected to behave normally like everything is hunky dory.
Anyway, the user said you could expect to see an uptick in this sort of shit. I should've save the post because it would be interesting to have it up against statistics.

he bought a .44 magnum out of paranoia and hides in his house kek
