Pole /generals/

What's your favorite general thread, ///pole///?

Your choices:
*Celebrity trial general
*Washed up elderly ZOGbot ex-president general
*Russian IRA spam general
*Ukrainian desperation general
*Cable TV news general

Attached: 1653497135462.jpg (586x1024, 96.61K)

ALL generals are cancer except for the (extinct) /zhg/ threads, NO OTHER EXCEPTIONS

generals are cancer, they didn't exist on this board before 2016, if you like any kind of general thread, you don't really belong here...

Generals are gay and so are the people who post in them. Hide all generals.




brit/pol/ is best general purely on the basis that it regularly BTFOs the jannies

Attached: joshfrombritpol1.jpg (973x982, 59.39K)

lads stop it I'm blushing

Attached: joshfrombritpol2.jpg (973x982, 131.81K)

nsg and pizzagate

Brindley Street. Now.

>*Ukrainian desperation general
Kek. For me it's also Josh/pol/.

I need a poo

brit/pol/ was here in 2014


This is false, all the vaxxers are ded already.


Attached: 1641143210530.png (595x799, 896.01K)

He’s shredded now

mega tsunami general

Red Deer. I am a believer.

That was a good one.
Does /CWT count?

lel I remember making that image

ukie cope general always makes me laugh
>if your enemy occupies a third of your land it doesn't matter because they didn't do it frame perfectly while blindfolded