Is this all there is

I think I might actually kms if I can’t find another cope

WoW went to shit

Lifting doesn’t fill the void anymore

Completely socially isolated

My investments are all trashed

Health condition after health condition that’s causing me to be in a constant state of anxiety that I’m dying from some undiagnosed illness

Too short and ugly to get any kind of female attention whether it be serious or casual

The world itself has gone to hell and only seems to be getting worse

What the fuck is even the point I am in my 30s

It’s so fucking over

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I just want to see it all fall apart

I'm not trying to drag you down but it gets worse. At least it did for me. I honestly find no joy in life, other than my pets, so once they're gone I will probably an hero.

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Enjoy it while you can

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Just wait until the apocalypse in 12 years.
But if you are hellbent on KYS, then I would suggest your death to be put to good use. The least you can do is shoot up a parliament or wipe kike banker families. Send a message.
Don't just slit your wrists. Thats absolutely useless.

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Don’t kys you fag. You should continue existing as long as possible out of spite if nothing else.
Personally I enjoy becoming as much of a social burden as possible.
It’s the little things user, don’t be a little bitch.

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Ty for being considerate of your pets satan

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Just get a nice job and a nice wife and have kids

>Health condition after health condition

What kind of health conditions?

It always gets worse even when you actively try to resist it.
We are all Sisyphus

Why kill yourself when you could spend your life in the service of good? If you’re committed to die then die for a reason don’t just kill yourself in some pathetic sad lad suicide attempt like a teenager.

Good is wasted on this society. Let it burn

If white male, you need to create something. You have a reward system inside for creation. Do something with your hands, pick a goal like Build a shed. Mark out all the things you'll need to do to build that shed, research it, and instead of buying tools. Build the tools. Build your way there. It's an extremely satisfying and fulfilling activity.

Option 2: Learn to shoot, prepare for the collapse. You'll get to create then too.

In regards to the woman problem, you need to stop worry about women. The moment you stop giving a fuck about them, they'll show up. Enjoy something not related to them and they'll show up in droves to try to fuck up that thing you're enjoying.

>Health condition after health condition that’s causing me to be in a constant state of anxiety that I’m dying from some undiagnosed illness
lol. what a gay troon. go to the doc and get another prescription, retard.

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>My investments are all trashed
Shoulda bought silver fren

none of that ever happened + reddit spacing

>and instead of buying tools. Build the tools. Build your way there
lmao. god damn what a fucking retard. please show me your handmade tools, fucking gay retard LARPer.

>waahhh waaaaahhh I'm a big fucking baby

maybe cut your dick off like the other retards do, you already sound like a tranny faggot anyway

>The moment you stop giving a fuck about them, they'll show up. Enjoy something not related to them and they'll show up in droves to try to fuck up that thing you're enjoying.


Have you ever built a structure?
Temporary scaffolding structures

There's loads of problem solving involved with building something. But you're a memeflaggot I suspect the only thing you've ever built is debt and a my little pony cumjar.

>Health condition after health condition that’s causing me to be in a constant state of anxiety that I’m dying from some undiagnosed illness
This is caused by your depression, which manifests itself in physical ways. You need a full blown life change, bro. I'm talking "move to a resort town and get a job renting jet skis" type dramatic change. Don't KYS, this is your only shot. You can't just throw it away.

This goes for all the rest of you on the same path.

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nice pasta

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Hang in there fren.

404 booba not found

Conversation still applies for a large percentage of western young men, which also makes it a Any Forumsitical issue.