Sworn in on the Talmud

>Sworn in on the Talmud
Absolute state of Americans

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That's the cunt that said that Germans must be genocided by a never ending stream of refugees.
That's the woman who sued a historian over the holocaust being a hoax.

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i think black people face more discrimination worldwide.

is Office of the U.S. Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Discriminations against Blacks exists?

>They put those books in a donuts box.
>Lady holding the box looks like a cardboard figurine with a wax head attached to it.
>Unique Talmud printed by US Army in Germany
>Albert Bourla's reflection in the mirror
>Mic protruding and captured by the camera

More cringe please. You can never have enough of it.

One of the kikiest kikes there is. Abhorrent.

what gender are demons?

Good, lets make it all the more clear that the only solution of this problem is total removal and then rebuild from the ground up

Let’s remind people what’s in the T*lmud

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If her Lipshitz I wonder what her asshole does?

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I can already hear one say this: " atleast i didnt marry her i was kind"
The judge: sieg heil

why you can summarize the whole thing thusly:

jews are gods chosen people, who have a special mandate from him to rule over everyone else who isnt them. Like the muslims, which makes since as they are both semites.

If I ever hold office im requesting a copy of mein kampf to be sworn in on.

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so there is a talmud after all.
they keep saying there is no talmud book, that its a collection of whatever jewish tricks shlomo put together
where can I get a copy of whatever she placed her left hand on.
i don't care if it's not the real talmud
i'd like to read it for reasons

> Lipstadt spent summers at Camp Massad.
This is the most Jewish Early Life I’ve ever seen except she doesn’t say she’s the descendant of Holocaust survivors yet she’s a vp of Holocaust Inc.

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sauce so we can redpill motherfuckers

no fucking way

>Holocaust Studies

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