Why is rape and grooming so common in evangelical spaces but the rightwing refuses to acknowledge or prevent it?

Why is rape and grooming so common in evangelical spaces but the rightwing refuses to acknowledge or prevent it?

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Why are jews so prevalent in the porn industry where underage women are exploited for profit?


30k per year? Sounds like BS

Fuck off back to R*ddit nigger

There's almost 50 million American kids in public schools. I believe that number

It wouldn't happen if those kids were armed and taught to shoot attempted molesters.

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age of consent is 16 in Indiana, and was 16 in 1995 when this allegedly happened.
By law, she was an adult capable of making her own decisions.
Regretting it 27 years later doesn't make it rape.

They were together for 9 years after that.
Also Evangelicals are cucks to Isreal not real Christians.

Dude grooming is everywhere, discord, youtube, Any Forums etc... Half of the YouTubers you watch are fucking pedos, people need to stop blaming individual groups and go after the groomers no matter who the the fuck they are.

literally nothing

It's more actually. About 7% of all minor students have had sexual contact with school staff.

OK groomer.

>but the rightwing refuses to acknowledge or prevent it?
>30k per year? Sounds like BS
oof why can't the leftwing admit that they groom kids in public schools?

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right wing != evangelical kiddy diddlers

I'll start talking about rape in churches once the left starts talking about rape in public schools.

Why is Evangelism so rampant in America?
Most of the protestants in the town I grew up in were pretty moderate folks who were devout but not rabidly so.
When I'm out on a consulting contract in the South, it feels like every third person would be very incessant on mentioning God, though maybe I was just seeing a very skewed set of people

She's been thinking about that dick for 20 years bros

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Sage kike.

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Now do schools and liberal left-wing teachers.

She was a whore