Officers who work in prisons, I want a small answere from you to understand, at least on a behaviour level...

Officers who work in prisons, I want a small answere from you to understand, at least on a behaviour level, if I'd be good as someone working in a prison, and only in an hypotetical way.

My father used to work as a Chief Inspector, idk if in USA this grade exists. He retired around 2011 as he was starting to suffer of stress and his healt deprecated (he is ok now. Fat, but ok), and sometimes took me there, around his colleagues and at least the area with the security cameras and controll area.

Now, idk what happened, but recently I started to love the idea to work in a prison and see people going insane in there, and even beat some fuckers a little, or just put them in trouble and see their lifes sink even deeper, no matter what, I want to see them behind bars forever, mostly after hearing stories from my father's ex colleagues.
I want also to bond with colleagues who think the same about those who enter a prison, but idk how life for someone working there really works, but I know enough to first learn who can be touched and who not, so I'd probably watch mostly out for moles.

So, you think I could work fine if I was able to enter in my father's old job?

Attached: 20220527_144541.jpg (2027x1365, 380.56K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Work in a female prison as a male guard. It's lots of fun, trust me bro ;)

I don't like women nor men, and especially I despise female wards and inmates, as male agents are more prone to get fucked up by the system if even one retard want to "have lotta fun" with some orange pork.

I have a good share of stories of my dad's colleagues who lost their jobs, had high grades, but loved the smell of rotting prisonussy.

based snow plow pic poster

Regarding the text tldr

Agree, I saw that pic just an hour ago and it blew my mind, have some more.

Also for the text don't worry, just asked if someone with clear anger management problems and inferiority complexes mixed with control mania would fit as a prison guard.

Here, one more.

Attached: 20220527_144536.jpg (1024x708, 193.83K)

You're part of the problem in society. Kill yourself pig. I command no respect, the system steps and walks all over me, only the rich are regarded as human, the rest of us, including me, are treated like farm cattle to be milked of our profits by the rich. One day God will come back and make the Germans powerful again, and I will torture, beat, toy with, and kill all those who walked all over me and treated like I was nothing, I will be a king. I won't care if they are sorry. I will be as cold as they and their system were to me. I won't spare a single one, unless I save them for my entertaient later. God bless Isrsel.

Attached: Joker, clown.jpg (1920x1530, 215.25K)

What even is that locomotive?

Bro, one of my dad's colleagues was a jew, this doesn't help XD

Also fuck you, you are not german, you are American.

Mate, other people are starting to ascend, you’re going to get stuck in your own personal hell if you try to create sadness

Idk, really.

People like you are the guards who end up getting stabbed to death by an inmate. So yea, you should get into that line of work. Be sure to try to get assigned to the worst prison you possibly can. That way you can fuck with the really bad ones who will definitely try to kill you.

It looks like some kind of tunnel borer.

I'm German-American you pig scum.

It's crazy! So is

Attached: jezza_buckethead.png (750x1334, 1.35M)

So you are an American of German descendency... or a second generation German-American?

Or you live in Germany, I don't get it.

How about: Jet Train ?

Attached: 20220527_145055.jpg (1024x664, 201.69K)

If you were to take such a position your masters would look down upon to as lower than the ones you cause suffering.

Attached: take-it-easy-big-guy.jpg (400x400, 55.78K)

What's the difference? Also you choose to work at a prison for all the wrong reason. Hopefully the inmates attack you because you're a bitch.

Jet engine train?

It’s a giant snowblower basically

I wonder if /n/ would have some insights...

Attached: JEZZA_CAPARO-T1_SECRET_SIGNAL.gif (460x300, 1.95M)

I could see that, yeah.

Attached: top_gear_clarkson_moustache.png (365x626, 462.62K)

As if they would be dispensing true justice.
The system don't work anymore, I could one day be free and the other be in jail for an error or some bastard who woke in a bad mood, or for just helping someone.

At this point, better be a fucking shit than try change something that don't want to change and rather is doing its best to devolve into nothing more than a ranch of shittards like my country and the people living in it.

I hate the people living in this place more than the animals living around, I hate how well they will rather see someone die of hunger than give them an hand to integrate better in this society, because some old bastard want to male "things as they always went" like fucking Camorra but legal, or how people always turn around and tells you to shove it and ignore those lower than you.

Better be some sociopathic shit making monsters who will maybe cancell the people out there and start anew than live as someone incapable of helping and be abbandoned for doing that.

Also yes, it would 100% sure that I'd get stapped, raped, castrated and other things.

But even I understand this is just tge fantasy of a balls-less little pig who can't even harm someone punching him for been fat, or taller, or more loved.

>if I'd be good as someone working in a prison
If you want to become a prison guard or a police officer then you will inevitably have an ego problem.

Also check out
This gives you some perspective on knives that you will encounter daily.

Attached: MahjonggPie1.png (633x633, 444.03K)

what is this 'orange pork' you speak of?