Give up your guns now!

Give up your guns now!

Ur response?

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Molon labe

It'll be a lot easier if you don't resist.

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Shoot them in the dick

Come and take them

internet tough guy

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They are working on writing the laws now.

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>Ur response?
Stop manufacturing small arms and ammunition then I will have no choice and cannt purchase

stop your country kneeling to niggers then

Come take nigger, i dont give two fucks what costume you wear. The outcome will always be the same, you will be dead.

why? let's import more.

Yeah, anyone saying they're going to come get the guns is an internet tough guy personified. They'll never do it. If they started going to people's homes, people would start going to their homes. That's how this shit works. That's real life. Best they'll ever do, under any circumstance, is 'ban' guns and grandfather everything like the machine guns. That wouldn't happen anyway though. U.S. will break up before that happens time-wise.

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You on the left aren't real military, do you know what "stolen valor" is? And you on the right I don't even know what the fuck you're trying to be.

>An unconstitutional act is not law; it confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation as inoperative as though it had never been passed.
Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886)

Molon labe.

Hasn't stopped anything yet.
Denial won't save you.
There are secret courts and prisons for this kind of thing.
Remember when Trump spoke about the expansion of Gitmo? Do you really think that is for ellites?

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i should be illegal for newspapers to have paywalls on their sites
archive it instead:archive(DOT)ph/VClOg

Thank you, sorry for the faggoty link.
The topic is everywhere today though.

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s-secret courts?

There are 400 million rifles in America.
Grow up and get some perspective.

>Who’s going to give up their guns when the police are clearly ineffective?
>who’s going to confiscate the guns? The same police who were too big of pussies to go into a school and save children from a psycho?

>grow up
You're right. I'm a crazy kid, and none of this is happening.
Everything is okie doke.

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does the fbi/cia get holiday weekends off or you guys still have to work?

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that movie is really fucking good, why can;t we have such movies anymore?

Are you ok, retard?

Cope nigger

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Fuck cops and the CIA. Giving up your firearms ensures the black genocide by the police. Think liberal think, cops want people with no guns, they don't have to worry about breaking down a door 3AM and get shot because a guy barely awake defending his home from the MAN. Banning guns will make it possible for the racist police to lynch niggers again.

shoot them, pull their Id's then burn down their house with family inside.

>more ad hom
I've also noticed the demonizing of local and state LEOs while they elevate a fed agent.
Federal takeover of law enforcement looks like its happening now too.
I'm just a schizo retard on Any Forums though, what do I know?

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