It gets worse

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Other urls found in this thread:

>manipulate the public opinion so that every time a police officer kills a non-white it basically ends their life
>police doesn't serve and protect
>ahh jeez we have to defund the police now

Police are the #1 thing standing in the way of people forming RWDSs.

>police doesnt serve and protect
They legally were not obligated to do either of those things long before the floyd riots. The real issue here is the faggots were tazing and arresting parents trying to save their kids, while mad-dashing for their-and only their- children. I know the town’s small and only half speaks english, but I’m hoping these police get some comeuppance.

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> tazing and arresting parents trying to save their kids
This right here is the biggest evidence that this was a glowop and they were told to stand down by the chief.

I thought after Columbine it was accepted that if there is a school shooting the cops immediately go in no matter what, and their lives are disposable. This is part of the deal of being a cop. It was the reason that safety officer at Parkland got so much shit.
If this really happened, a bunch of cops need to an hero.

Imagine being a police officer and some mad man goes into a school to shoot kids

You saw him go in there and did nothing to save the kids
You didn’t try to sacrifice your life at all
And you want to wear a badge and “serve and protect”

I don't see how that community ever trusts any of those police officers again at a minimum. At a max the town might throw an old fashion hanging party.
The entire department will need to be replaced.

Nobody will do anything, nothing ever happens.

That and the fact the killer just moved there in March, and had no job or anything but still purchased the weapons

It’s enough to make a man feel uncornerable

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Especially if the police had long guns there's no excuse for them not to go in there and get that guy.

>no one ever watches the video to see what was actually stated
>/nupol/ falls for shitty twatter bait every single time

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Theyre to look good, cops dont know how to shoot. Hence mag dumping is a standard.

I wonder if the public will start turning against the police. Is Back The Blue still popular in America?

> At a max the town might throw an old fashion hanging party.
The entire department will need to be replaced

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The following is poplular
>cops are somewhat necessary, if fucked up. The majority of them suck, but some will help if shtf.

In the videos they had ARs, body armor, and even helmets. It sounds like they were waiting forever on a level 4 shield. It's bullshit they waited at all, and it's bullshit they don't have one of those shields nearby.

You get the v&

>a bunch of cops need to an hero.
My girlfriend, who is pretty apolitical/centrist, was going on and on last night about how all those cops need to kill themselves. The cowardice shown by those police really hit a nerve with her. This is causing big rumblings in normiville.

>White House shoots down investigation

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The boomers are still clinging to the idea, but even they are realizing there is a problem. I'm in a very red and rural area, and there are very few Blue Lives Matter flags flying anymore.

I think u mean feds.
Many good law enforcement desu.

USA most imprisoned population per capital thanks to for profit prison systems. You think $40bil to Ukraine is bad cops are just a lease-loan client of the military industrial complex and war economy, fuck he ZOG

Biden has the 'utmost respect' for law enforcement, but the day after the shooting he signed executive orders on police reform because of st. george floyd?

Legal obligation is for the courts. Having the population actively opposed to police is huge.

They robbed spicshooterbro of both the high schoolshooterscore and of removing more mouths from the welfare teat.
Bros, fuck cops. I am so mad right now like you wouldn't believe.

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We will have someone along shortly.

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