Who here enjoys life?

How many of you enjoy life and why?

What makes you happy in your daily existence?

Any suggestions to enjoy life more?

And if you were previously unhappy and turned things around what made you do so?

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jesus is the answer

The trick is to exercise at least 30 minutes a day, getting cardio in at least five times a week.

Fuck off.

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I attempted suicide at 25. Now I have two children, a wife and a satisfying and well paying career. What changed for me.was when I tried to kill myself it caused a life altering revelation where I realised I absolutely didnt want to die, so it became easy to consistently make the incremental changes I need to over the following years. The more small things I change the easier it was to change more and everything kinda snowballed

Nothing my makes me happier than watching my kids grow and learn. No other experience compares to it, it so fundamentally satisfying and there the only way to find out is to have them and engage with their lives.

Yes. I live a simple life with my fiancé in the country. Just bought land and our own place. I spend my days hunting, fishing, dicking around with my dogs in the woods, and reading. Life is good.

Be mindful and present in the moment. Fear and worry are thieves. Exercise daily, the body will pay you back for showing love with happy chemicals. Eat whole clean foods, processed foods mess with hormones, blood sugar, etc. Pursue your interests. Read stoic philosophy and read beautiful poetry. Stay hydrated. Get ample sleep. Don’t drink in excess or do drugs. Very simple user. And most importantly: spend time in nature.

Stop hating people and embrace God and his creation

Just stop giving a fuck

happy people do not post on Any Forums. do not let anyone here fool you. if you are happy and fulfilled, there is no reason to be posting on Any Forums.

it's easy when you realize how good your life actually is. I suffer sure but I'm glad to be suffering far less than what I could be. I count my days in comfort as fleeting.

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I used to do the travel and /out/ life. It had its negatives but was quite enjoyable. If my laptop battery lasted through 1 week of coding and starlink was pocket sized I would just be an innawoods backpack nomad

Pay attention to the things you do for 'fun'. Do you REALLY enjoy them? Or is it just the easy? Are you choosing to be invested in it because you love it or is it just a result of old patterns of behavior repeating?

Basically I realized that I haven't actually loved video games since i was like 20. But I sink hours and hours into playing them and watching content related to them every week. I've been slowly reintroducing things that actually give me joy and giving less and less time to vidya.
Also this.

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Life is great. Nature is beautiful. God is great and Jesus is King. I love my wife and my child.

t. ex-obese teen fedora atheist on 4chins since 2010

Get together with a few of your buddies and try to convince anyone, let alone entire nations of people, that a wise friend of yours rose from the dead and should be worshiped. Laughably impossible. Which should make atheists slightly less arrogant when they try to dismiss how it actually happened.

I use to be depressed as not only was I forced to work for my fathers business at the age of 7
but I was also abused to the point where everyday I would honestly believe that it was my last day on earth.
I only managed to get through that difficult period of my life because of my friends, neighbors, and video games.

my friends kept me in shape without knowing it
my neighbors allowed me to stay and hang out at there places all day if I wanted too
my video games allowed me to detox from my day to day life in real life

every single person online never believed anything I told them about my home life back then because it was simply too crazy to believe
the only time when someone took it seriously was when I was a teenager in high school and they got CPS to investigate my house
they found nothing because me and my siblings were ordered by our parents to not tell them anything and only say this and that
they believed it and left and after a week of lurking they left

my life only started getting better after my parents divorced but I was not out of the park
my siblings and mother were so damaged by my father that I had to play therapist and parent for them all
it took them 10 years to be convinced to start taking meds

meanwhile I was suffering from my own mental breakdowns that I kept secret
only those who I believed were my close friends online at the time were shown these breakdowns of mine in real time.
many of the issues I suffered from are long gone now and I'm glad for it

I now spend most of my days thinking positively and taking things easy and I love it
I gave many of my old accounts and aliases from back them to friends from back then and I love the freedom
I do not know what they did with those aliases but I do not care as I'm simply focusing on my future and not my past
my father is about to die from cancer so it ultimately doesn't matter if this information comes out now as you cannot arrest or convict the dead or dying.

thats my secret

I do but only when its a total shitshow.
I'm so warped by clownworld, i wouldn't know what to do with peace if I had it

Other people are out there rotting like a papaya while I enjoy the good life

Don't have too much time but I enjoy life. It's hard sometimes but I have a wife, 1 kid, working on another kid, career as a carpenter and just went off on my own and started my own company. So I work for customers, 95% they appreciate what I do, just have to do better to filter the other 5% out. Only advice is to live in your own terms and don't let the outside world determine who you are. Yes I gotta live in this social construct, but if anything lead by example. And have some kids, they bring clarity and focus to life about family legacy, and if you don't have one, start one.

I'm happy knowing that despite all the bullshit going on in the world, that there is ultimately a plan and a reason for everything: good will win in the end because it is in God's hands. My family is also a huge source of happiness. Putting them and others before myself creates abundant meaning and purpose

Jim Jones gathered a large cult following wherein parents were convinced to poison their own children at his behest. The point is that people are desperate to believe in charismatic Messianic figures, to the point of their own "martydom," even if their "Messiah" is ultimately a fraud.

Also it's important to note that, during the Roman occupation of Judea, many Jews (including Jesus) believed the world's end was imminent - hence Jesus telling his followers:

Matthew 24:34
>“Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”
Which, if you look at the context of the verse, included his establishment of an eternal Messianic kingdom on Earth.

The geopolitical situation in Judea made Christianity infinitely more appealing to many Jews / impoverished outcasts. The success of Christianity is predicated on that.

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I love my life, everyday is a new opportunity to discover knowledge, build things, and find out processes both artificial and natural for the betterment of my life.
My daily routine gives me a lot of joy. Going to sleep early, waking up early, ensuring my house is in order, mowing the lawn, simple things. Oh I suppose that I dont live near any niggers or kikes helps too.
To enjoy life more you need to find out what in this world you enjoy, and devote yourself to it. Become a lifelong apprentice to it, and work everyday towards becoming a master. Teach this thing to others to the best of your ability, and never stop striving for improvement.
My daughter changed my life, every bad habit I've had she's pointed out quickly and sufficiently enough for me to change. God sent me an angel, and for that im eternally grateful.

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Have to find something that you wake up for everyday and enjoy doing. We're raised from the beginning in the educational system to center ourselves around money. There's a reason why the merchant class was looked down upon by so many successful civilizations in the past - it's a shit life for mostly shit people.

A man can live more in five minutes than a slave can in 30 years. If you're struggling inside our shitty system think outside of it.

Life makes me happy.
>Any suggestions to enjoy life more?
stop caring about anyone's opinion of you or anything else. stop reading news
>Any suggestions to enjoy life more?
and mushrooms

just get older. i find that as i get older i really enjoy and appreciate little things i didn't notice when i was younger.

watching the seasons change, observing the bluejays/cardinals and squirrels going nuts in my backyard in the spring, sitting by a river/fishing with my dogs, taking long drives on country roads, exploring the woods and different state/national parks it's all just so enjoyable now.

things get better, you just have to push through the bullshit of your youth

>Any suggestions to enjoy life more?
Do something that makes you achieve flow. For me it's video games.