Didn't take vaccine

>didn't take vaccine
>Never got sick
>Take spit test for work function
>Turned up negative but had immune response

So I caught this shit at some point and didn't even notice.

I can't believe we ruined western civilization for this.

Attached: 0df.png (680x435, 271.15K)

If it can be ruined with this it wasn't worth saving you see?

Attached: AAACCrx9sihdPwmChjmNaSAmPcd-YrCgMxmw3izry3PSngyL0BAB4ZAS-YyrjSLlI27PbJOQa3bGVT9azbCzxt76y94.jpg (512x384, 22.33K)

>western civilization
Cringe, and embarassing simp


Cabal though other nations that go to wef were going to go full retard as well, they dident, only we went full retard!

Other nations militaries made the polititians play along and protected the people, forged deals and preped.
They changed vax deliveries ect... our military did nothing for us, unfortunately.
We are fully retarded, we will pay a price, we are already!
But overall if we fall Everyone else does, so soon enough Everyone will go full retard, including cabal idiots.

Japan respects western civilization more than the basedified west. I wear a suit to the office every day. I bet you wear a t shirt and crocks because you have no self respect.

Just heard japs went to Russia, again to make a deal for highspeed Euroasia trade rout like they had with pipline... and then Ukraine war dtarted imediatly subsecuent to that, as ukranine was going to unleash the goodes, you know... the ones they manufactured...

>Nip lamenting the death of the West
>blaming it on covid

Covid-19 has been known to only seriously affect the elderly. Almost since day one.
I can't believe some people under 70 were tricked into being scared of it.
Boomers played you. Boomers have shown us they can destroy our world before going extinct. It was the last "fuck you" from that disgusting generation.

Yeah, exactly, you are just simping for it.
Bet you are playing 'superior games' like gears of war and cod as well, and want dutch gf

I didn't get played. This whole vaccine thing was sus from the start.

>western civilization
>ruined by covid
It was ruined when women were allowed to vote, user.

Even before the vaccines came here. The whole world shut down because boomers were scared.
They would trade ten more years of their life, even if it meant the world would crash.

Hey man, his heart is in the right place. Even us in the west dream of an idealized view of the west that has been destroyed by those who don't care to know its history or traditions to see it dismantled.

Did your government try to enforce vaccines and lockdowns? My state ignored most of that

I don't think you understand how much our governments hate their own people.
I'd literally have to drive 6 hours to be somewhere where a suit wouldn't be out of place.
They destroyed our societies.
What you wear doesn't matter when nobody sees you

People in suits ruined the west.
Farmers and rednecks were the one who kept it alive

>pretending ot be retarderd based on his immuno response
nice b8

I caught omicron around Christmas.

It was a headache + minor cold for a day. Untested - I only recognized it was omicron cause i sneezed twice. And it was the exact time of the spike in cases in my area.

Haven't been sick since.

>I wear a suit to the office every day

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the tests don't mean anything, slanty.