How do we deal with this?

How do we deal with this?

Attached: 1627561858417.webm (758x720, 2.45M)

throw them back to the ocean

Just don't deal with amermutts

Ban fluor and corn syrup

dumb girl will be in a coma by 35.

It solves itself.

Attached: 1653648325028.jpg (1080x1595, 104.11K)

Manufacture a food crisis, unironically.


Attached: Jan 2020 Weigh-In.webm (1280x720, 605.16K)

Instigate nuclear war with Russia and kickstart the malthusian collapse 50 years early

Imagine the smell between her fat folds after playing basketball

>globalist plot to turn Americans into government dependent slaves as part of a global depopulation agenda
>they just lose weight and live longer

>mfw 10 year old game is already outdated for fat fucks

global starvation will do the trick

Attached: 5e99fc9c3568b.jpg (1920x1080, 688.15K)

there will come a time when hunt or die, just like pre industrial revolution.

Jesus Christ. Her legs look like they hurt.

Sculpt them into goddesses or leave them for retarded niggers and find someone else. Depends how determined you are.

do you have the whole video?

10/10 in America

Attached: 1647133500738m.jpg (1024x634, 76.75K)

>the forced fasting sharpens mind and senses
>formerly obsese normies awake by the hundreds of thousands after they have been deprived of corn syrup and sugar
>civil strife devolves into civil war not seen since the days of Caesar
Uhoh, globohomo bros, we got too cocky.

By running away, and never getting close enough that you go past the event horizon.

render the fat and sell it to chinese restaurants

Attached: 1552176485301.png (500x603, 145.89K)

i always try to visualize the regular sized skeleton in there and how hard its working to hoist around all that weight. lol.

It's obvious conventional weapons will have no effect.
Perhaps if she dribbles the ball for more than 3 seconds she'll just have a heart attak.
PS. that concrete is god tier.

Attached: Anti Whale.png (503x450, 472.74K)

turn all that fat into clothes and sell it to the starving cubans.