Feeling empowered yet

Feeling empowered yet

Attached: unknown-22.png (788x797, 1.21M)

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thats good advice

>coaching niggs into overdosing is a bad thing

There's seriously no standard for anything. If you shouldn't be ashamed of being a drug addict then there's no shame left in the world.

Is that a man or a man (woman)?

they glorify sodomy. Buncha degenerates

your country has more junkies and alcoholics per capita than any other,

Portugal did something of the sort where they provide clean needles and other stuff for druggies to use. I think it worked out for them

Selfishness is encouraged. What's more selfish than sitting around all day getting fucking rekt on drugs? Nothing. There's nothing more selfish than that.

I love how they show a pic of a healthy-looking black girl on the poster, but the vast majority of fentanyl and/or heroin addicts are white.

I used to shoot dope when I was 18-19 years old. I seethe when I see all of this acceptance of "heroin subculture".

Fentanyl kills about 90 people per day in the USA alone.

The #1 place it comes from is Mexico by way of China.

The US has almost no southern border protection right now.

What's wrong with this picture?

Attached: sid-vicious-injecting-heroin.jpg (600x902, 62.53K)

someone obviously hurt you and now you are incapable of empathy. That is very sad.

this. they literally have a "pride" flag for it.

I don't think shaming anyone for being a junkie is right, but I also don't think we should be encouraging it.

Right now so many people are dying that it's basically just a shit show, and leftists are throwing any and every thing they have at the problem (including handing out actual dope).

What really gets to me is that most of the dealers are black or hispanic immigrants, and a huge majority of the users are white, and NOBODY says anything about it.

They've got SO MANY white chicks jacked up on this shit.


at least they are not marketing how to use drugs and or consume alcohol "safely"


>proud to be a faggot
>proud to be mentally ill
>proud to do drugs
>proud to be morbidly obese
>proud to be a criminal
>proud to consume poison
>proud to cut your dick off

those are all okay


>proud of your history?
>proud of your people?
>proud of hard work?


You had that orange guy fighting against it, like really strongly. Sadly you cowards let his opponent steal the election from him.

Your country is now shit and on a ride to hell

why do white people love diversity so much.

we are invading your countries to take them over.. not to be your friends.

m8 they've had a parade literally called "pride" where people are supposed to be proud of being fucked up the ass and shittig yourself with aidspozzed poop in your adult diapers dressed up as a dog for years

Shame is racist

Attached: a cait breev.jpg (1394x1972, 1.39M)

No that's you toothpaste nigger isn't it. Can I do smack in your brothels yet or do I have to wait until you legalize that next year