Is this board dead?

It feels like only troons, feds, shills and bots are the only ones left.
Some threads and their replies are reddit and lefty/pol/ tier while other are extremely racist and far-right.
This board is even worse then a year ago. Did people found a better image board? Where did they go?

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My words can cut apart anything.

Nobody gives a shit

I think they just created their own communities or had families/carriers
Soon we'll become lurkers too



3 bot replies out of 4, yep it is dead

You can still find grains of truth but the general status has gone down a lot here it is a testament to time I believe shitposting was more Subtle and there was always a grain of serious thought and information behind it. Now we have countless spics and non Whites that think the most hyperbolic posting is the best way to get attention so instead of valuable information you get shitskin nonsense

I left for two years after being here from 2014 once the quality steadily dropped
Even over the past year its been increasingly infiltrated by degenerate and leftist shills who must secretly be jealous of rightwing board culture to spend all their time trying to psyop or demoralize us; I thought the newfag influx after 2016 was bad but these mass shootings and fucking "internet historian" videos going viral have somehow made it much much worse

this board is so incompetent it cannot defeat retarded mentally ill troons since this board is full of them unless they are using bots to spam their retarded bullshit

>scroll through entire catalog
>ask myself why the fuck do I keep coming back

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>Did people found a better image board? Where did they go?
I'm not allowed to tell you. Starting from your position, 0 knowledge of the outer chans, it will take you approx 2 years to find where the best posters reside.

troons and leftshits would not even be here if people would be smart enough to ignore it which isn't the case. Even if they ask their discord buddies to reply or bots reply to their room temperature IQ thread, eventually they would get board of failed baits and leave.
Whenever I try to have a serious discussion I am lucky to get 100 replies

Just head to the /ptg/ thread. He'll be back in 2024 and you'll be happy again while I foreclose on your farm.
I would rather you be happy again and have a place to go

Yeah, it’s gone down. Bots and normies for sure but I think it’s just a lot of new people coming here to be edgy. After some time you’re just done with social media

pretty much this

The question of "How to kill Any Forums" is easier to answer than "How to kill God".

it’s summer.
lots of tourists, especially the buffalo shit.
npcs probably think all mass shooters reside at Any Forums now.

I dont know for sure but they probably went to sixteenchan,basedjakparty or frenchan
Goddamn annoying filters saying my post is spam caused me to refresh the page

i remember typing this question into google to get a qrd on killing the boss of silent hill 3, that was back in 2005.
the rabbit hole that took me down.

all of these are super slow and threads stay up for weeks and months

>Nobody gives a shit
That's exactly why it sucks

I'm still here fren

Attached: frencart.jpg (663x488, 92.88K)

It's mostly bots. Literally anyone can bot or run a chat script now that there is trained A.I. captcha solver tools.

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I see more and more of same threads with same pics pop up over and over again

Yeah obviously people get payed to post them

Kek worst lineup ever!
A memeflaggot, an Israeli, and a Greek went into a bar...

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