/MOG/ - Monkeypox Outbreak General #35

14,200+ reported cases in 22 different countries worldwide

▶Live tracker

▶Latest info
>Positive case of monkeypox identified in colorado
>Virginia reports first case of monkeypox
>Monkeypox cases reported in Utah
>Monkeypox case reported in Florida
>First likely case of monkeypox reported in California
>Gay Pride festival on Gran Canaria Island attended by 80,000 people linked to monkeypox outbreak
>FDA approves monkeypox vaccine
>Wuhan Biolab was fiddling with monkeypox earlier this year


▶Countries infected so far
>Spain: 8,000+
>UK: 3,000+
>Portugal: 1,200+
>Canada: 700+
>US: 500+
>Germany: 500+
>Netherlands: 275
>Sudan: 245
>Austria: 243
>Belgium: 142
>Greece: 128
>Italy: 123
>Slovenia: 98
>Morocco: 95
>Denmark: 81
>UAE: 81
>Sweden: 73
>Argentina: 67
>Australia: 64
>France: 60
>Czech Republic: 42
>Switzerland: 40
>Israel: 30

▶NTI-Munich scenario
>Fictional scenario: monkeypox outbreak on May 15th 2022
>Real life: monkeypox outbreak on May 18th, 2022
>Only three days off

Previous threads:

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So, will they lock us all down again?

Why did globohomo use a bioweapon that kills mostly gays?

Watch it turn out that whoever has had chicken pox will end up having natural immunity to this bullshit. If it even exists. Either way, we're getting locked down again in the next couple months.

Still not getting the vaccine lmao

Cya kun

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I bet Australia is first country with full lockdown. Destroy your airports and harbors.

I'm immuned to chicken pox. I have never caught it but been around may people who have.

These faggots are out here creating new diseases, and everyone has to pretend it isn't them kek.

Could throwing them off buildings be the vaccine the world needs right now?

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Good job you fucking faggots! Bite it again! Trust your health officials! Trust media reporting! Trust your government! Keep acting as if though the last 2 years didn't happen! This time it's real for sure, FOR SURE!

It only affects degenerates right?

This is seriously a good question you should ponder. Why are they throwing the FAG under the bus after they spent decades cleaning up their AIDS stigma?
The only logical conclusion is, that they need to manufacture hate towards the FAG, so they can be the victim again. It is much easier to expand the FAG when they are the victim. Minority rights require sympathy. This is just a stepping stone to expanding the FAG to soon include a color in the rainbow flag for child sacrifice.
Just believe me, in a few months there will be completely Authentic™ social media posts, where FAG cries about how he was declined service because he was treated as a leper. GloboFAG wins yet again.

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>14200 cases
>Yesterday's thread said 300 cases
>Checks the live tracker

No one is gonna actually post in this thread, right? Not until the last one dies at least..

Probably bro. Coronavirus was only the introduction for what they want to implement upon the entire world. And Monkeypox is just another step towards that. One days soon, maybe years from now, they are planning to release a REAL pandemic upon us that will fuck up every country on earth. But only after they have us all under their domain.

>no conspiracy required.
Homos spread disease through degenerate sexual practices. Wallowing in shit and other bodily fluids is unhealthy.

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Because gays are a logical vector for a virus and disease because they are high risk for infection and transmission of viruses.

It makes sense... infect the gays, they go on to infect other gays across the country, and then those gays infect family, friends and people at the shopping centers, social venues and public transport. Creating an epidemic/pandemic.

I think we will hit ~1k cases just as planned. I’m scared, it will skyrocket in russia

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S-senpai.... Your ID.. It's..

To further add to this: keep making generals! Keep hyping it up! Start panicking! This is a real happening! Not like the other hundreds of happenings we've had this year alone, oh no, this one, this is the real deal right here! We've finally reached past two more weeks, Kali Yuga and Revelations all at once! This time it's certain bros! They have us now! Oh no!

this shit is insane, when did it pass 240 cases? I thought it was sitting on that for the last couple days. this is getting out of hand, fast.

>/MOG/ - Monkeypox Outbreak General #34
>380+ reported cases in 22 different countries worldwide

> /MOG/ - Monkeypox Outbreak General #35
>14,200+ reported cases in 22 different countries worldwide

srsly guise

All they do in Spain is bum each other. That is why the unemployment is so high and productivity so low. Siesta is code for buttsex

>OP has to lie about cases
>Still 0 deaths

OP made up the numbers, there are only 436 total active cases.

Dont ask why, maybe he is poisoning the well.

It's real user. Any Forums has been wrong on virtually everything for the last 2 years but this time it's real! It's a real happening!

That's what I'm saying! Last one hasn't even hit bump limit but tards are jumping ship anyways.

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fucking glowniggers stealing threads again

OP is a glownigger.

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Nooooo it can't be! Why would he want to pump the numbers up artificially? This is a real happening guise! Try to believe more in your fellow humans! This is a real global pandemic! Not like the other fake pandemic! We're in this together! Stay at home! Vax'n boost! Trust the science!

380 --> 436 seems more reasonable.
if it's 380 --> 14,200 then we need to tell houston there's a problem.

>glownigger hijacks thread
>lol you guys are all glowniggers, I knew it!!!
Holy shit nigger

something we said in the last thread related to low cases?

No user, it's a totally organic thread! As organic as /CVG/ and /PTG/! We're all humans on this board and we're living through some trying times! We should trust each other more! We're in this TOGEDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA