I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm getting pipelined. They've banned me from every mainstream social media site...

I don't know what to do. I feel like I'm getting pipelined. They've banned me from every mainstream social media site, leaving me with nothing but the "radical" sites. I can feel myself getting radicalized, but I don't know how to stop it. I don't understand - they'll purposely isolate me from society, and then act surprised when I shoot up a school. It really is a fucking pipeline. Who is doing this to me? It can't really be "the jews", can it?

Feds, please, if you're really here, tell me how to unfuck this situation.

Attached: saki.png (495x510, 224.44K)

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glowie here, send me a million shekels and I"ll explain what to do next

Have you tried turning your computer off?

You need to read Hegels dialectics. You're in a heavy dosage of Level 3 hypnosis. Hope you find peace

I've never actually been contacted by a groomer, when does that happen? I'm still on Discord, I'm not banned from that at least, isn't that where the grooming happens?
I can't, it's my only portal to the outside world.

I sympathize, I was kicked out if 109 countries. Shalom.

grooming typically happens in the bathroom. Try it, get laid, then revisit this thread in a few months.

Nigga go touch grass like turn off the computer nigga just close yo eyes wtf hahaha

Your flag appears broken.

Why would you shoot up a school, retard?
Do something productive with your life.
Shoot up a bank instead.

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That's the thing my dude is that I already did the "grooming" (haha good one) and I already did the sex. I was a functioning member of society for a long time, probably for longer than you've been alive. It's only in the past 3 or 4 years I've been pushed to the outer edges, and I can't figure out a way back in.

Have you tried therapy and taking the globalist pills? If so idk what to tell you man, that's all I got

Eat some shrooms

Turn of the wifi you dumb faggot.

That's where I'm at now. I talk to a guy named Ron who tells me to go to church, and I take 10 pills a day. I'm about to stop both and see what happens.

Do you have some radical opinion?


Change is still possible. There are people who can help you leave the violent far-right to connect with humanity and lead compassionate lives.

Attached: russian.jpg (1226x2048, 693.48K)

I can't even tell anymore.

I know this is bait and all, but if you're getting banned from every social media platform you're obviously a massive sperg retard being an edgy cunt. At the end of the day social media is just to keep in contact with your friends and follow certain hobbies you enjoy. You're banned now because you couldn't shut the fuck up.

Kill yourself kike

>I'm still on Discord
there is your problem
first of all discord is comped
you should never have joined in the first place
become self centered and create from inside of your own drive instead of seeking others opinions and input
stop being a follower
get a hobby that keeps you off of indistinguishable influences, learn a craft or a trade for fun
if you play games stop it
if you cant accept your addiction and work stopping it
get the fuck out of groomer discord and other "social networks" that are similiar

why so many pills?