Today is my birthday

I want to tell you all that my wish is that someone grows a spine and kills that little chimp in the Kremlin before he causes Armageddon.

Anyway, what's going on in the world guys? Get me up to speed.

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More or less just brainwashing the cattle into believing dumber shit. Happy birthday user.

happy birthday user, hope you commit suicide.

Is James Pearson your dad?


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Happy Birthday user. May all your wishes come true. My only wish for you is to escape this cesspit. Real life is out there somewhere. It's not here.

Show real flag Moshe


Funny that you mention it, I just got back from a party and now I'm chilling in my hotel room. And what do you know, it's 12:04 already.

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Happy birthday, user. I just ate some good food, shit was SO CASH.

Weird. My birthday wish is that the chimp in the kremlin DOES create Armageddon. Does that counter your wish user? Why do you want to live so badly anyways? Do you have more pussy you want to eat? More sandwiches to make, hamburgers to consume, shows to watch? Everything in life is so dull and unimaginative, with most forms of human art building upon previous forms of human art. Like what's even new and worth waking up for? None of us have a purpose anymore and we're all waiting for Hitler or Jesus to come and save us. So why do you want to live so badly when we could just be at peace. And dead.

Fuck ZELENSKI, Putin the best

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I don't want everyone to die because of vatniks thank you very much

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the lord made the jannies for a reason
perhaps he made you as an example to others

Same. Just enjoyed pork chops with bacon glaze on top.

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Thank you for this

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The boss chimp knows he can't start shit because, just like his other equipment, half the warheads don't work anymore because his little chimps suck at maintenance and stole many useful parts to feed their families because their wages are 73$ per month and a bag of beans. While you can (sort of) mask that shit with ingenious slavic engineering (like painting empty egg cartons and sticking it on tanks pretending it's plating because you stole the original plating), you cant really do that with nukes. The big chimps can't understand why corruption has such an influence on them getting destroyed in the war. The Little chimps, decimated by decades of poverty, terror, communism and then chimpist repression, can't even think thoughts of rebellion, much less act on them. And meanwhile, the great Chimpia is more and more a laughingstock every day. Even the kike press got bored of how slow everything is. Even the kikes in Davos took pity on the big chimp and threw a word out there: "look how pathetic they are, pls give them some territory , i pity them"
Happy birthday user! We will all make it, no worried!

Yeah. I hope he nukes America.
And Israel of course.

Crimea river

No more Americans means no more tips for you ladyboy hookers

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