Poisoning the well

Why do you fall for it so easily after so many nothingburgers?

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Poltards are so obsessed with trannies they have to create them where they don't even exist. It's really bizarre.

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To be fair, he's halfway there in the real pic.

Did they? Or was it Ezra Levant's employees trying to make dissentients look silly again.

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Why are all feds trannies. I mean is there some sort of tranny bonus pay or something.


Because the average thick brow conservative chud on pol basically only operates by a mixture of confirmation bias and rote ideology.

>All of USG's agents are mentally ill and to be underestimated .

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Ive never met a right winger irl that looked like the pol face meme, usually they are crackhead looking rednecks. I honestly think that the pol face is just projection from ugly incel leftists that realized just agreeing with females wont get you pussy.

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why are the feds shilling the "shooter was a tranny" narrative so hard? They get super defensive and obnoxious when asked where they found the other images.

damn nigga did you just whip out some fresh OC lol.

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I don't pay good money for this trash.

Because chuds are always wrong.

We debunked it that very day. Pay attention. Pol is always right.


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this is the literal CIA playbook :/
are you a tourist or a casual?

>leonardo dicaprio laughing

>this is what trannies actually believe

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lmao this is the most pathetic cope I have ever seen. You really don't have any other argument than "you just want to secretly fuck trannies", it's pathetic
Would you fuck a pig wearing a hat and makeup?

Accept who you are

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