Logically, what do women gain from being trad in a day and age where they can make their own money?

Logically, what do women gain from being trad in a day and age where they can make their own money?

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When u think u want a tradwife but u actually want a 36 year old man with aspergers

>what do women gain from being women

a life, a home, a partner, a family.

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You can have all 4 of those things and be a massive whore in private.

>playing with flowers
>no plough in sight
>weak arms

that bitch will never find a husband fuck her

I know you have a cunt between your legs because you considered you could get away with being a two-faced liar and thinking it wont affect your family life.

God's favor

They get to watch TV all day.

>Logically, what do women gain from being trad in a day and age where they can make their own money?
A future where they don't die alone slowly rotting to death in an apartment full of cat shit and empty wine bottles.

nothing die alone like us its the norm

Only a feminist could be dumb enough to believe being a wage slave is empowering.

the Jews did this unironically

>what do women gain from being trad
A happy future. Webm very much related with the women making their own money.

Attached: happy.webm (360x640, 811.8K)

>A future where they don't die alone slowly rotting to death in an apartment full of cat shit and empty wine bottles.

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Mental health, escape from corporate wageslavery, children that love them, and a functioning society. They just have to put the ego down. But they can't.

Perks of a deranged asocial schizoid:
1) Will never touch another woman.
2) Will kill AND die for you.
3) Will actually treasure you (obsessively)
Yep, the future is mutual retard. See you in Hell.

You're mother has probably fucked multiple men. Most of the happy married couples you know have wives that have fucked multiple men.

Evidently, lasting connections and happiness. Have you ever hired a prostitute or just casually fucked? Did you find happiness with them, or pleasure?

Attached: Leftist don't understand happiness.jpg (907x425, 146.06K)

Also, more and more women dont even want kids or families anymore.

What they are biologically designed to do: be full-time moms.

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>Perks of a deranged asocial schizoid:
>1) Will never touch another woman.
>2) Will kill AND die for you.
>3) Will actually treasure you (obsessively)

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Women are designed to be trad. They've been trad since the dawn of humanity. What requires an explanation is why living like a man will make them happy. It doesn't. Women are designed to raise children. That's it. Feminism, and especially trans activism, will make women completely irrelevant within a few decades if things don't turn around. Women will be crying and begging to be trad and 99% will never be able to achieve it. Half of the entire human population will be doomed to an awful life from birth. All in the name of "progress" and "tolerance." But our civilization will likely destroy itself soon and put us out of our misery.

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last night I had a dream that if all the women grew really big breasts they would realize their true calling and return to their roots
Enlarge the breast and nature does the rest

lol what a crappy room why does he have a poster of the force in it

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>Most of the happy married couples you know have wives that have fucked multiple men.
Statistics prove otherwise. You live in a fantasy land.

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can you actually elaborate on what you mean by "trad", what lifestyle are you describing

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This man is deskbound because he was born with a genetic defect that makes his lower legs weak and extremely disproportionate with his thighs above the knees. Please do not mock him.

Kek thinking women care about God nowadays.

>You are mother has

Pretty creepy that you have these saved on your computer

Real life isn't all your memes and infographs. Go outside some time.

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pleasing God and their husband
the chance to raise their kids properly
real purpose in life

Basically its mainly about planning for middle and old age.
Years back I knew this old crone. Single, never married, lived in a fairly run down old place full of some of the flashiest jewelry, antiques and old dresses you've ever seen. Photos everywhere.
In her youth she was a hardcore party girl. Modelled, fucked celebrities, politicians, royalty. Was taken all over the world and lavished with expensive gifts for it all.
Eventually though these men stopped calling, she was yesterdays news.
Barely in her 30s and she was in effect retired. Ever since she's lives off the huge piles of cash she leeched from these men because she had nothing even vaguely resembling marketable skills.
She basically lived for a fifteen or so year period with everything else either being her childhood or her "retirement" which now made up the overwhelming majority of her life.

And the funny thing? She had no regrets. She knew exactly what she'd done and the consequences. She was happy to live off the memories, go through albums of old pictures and laugh when she saw someone she fucked on the news.
For her those fifteen years were worth the decades of living alone in a slowly deteriorating house forgotten by the world.

Women. Never underestimate to rationalise away anything.

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There's literal whore shoes on display in her living space.

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>Real life isn't...statistics
Take your meds.

My statement would only be incorrect if the amounts of people who had 0,1,2,3, etc sexual partners where the same; they aren't. The overwhelming majority of people have had sex with multiple people. Even if marriages partners who have lower sexual partners turn out of be more stable in the long term, the fact that there are so few of them makes it so that the majority of happy couples are with people who have had multiple sexual partners.

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>There's literal whore shoes on display in her living space

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imagine having 30 grandkids. that's true wealth

>The overwhelming majority of people have had sex with multiple people.
An overwhelming majority of relationships fail. I shouldn't have to tell you this, but failure is not a good indicator of success.

Attached: majority of marriages end in failure.jpg (663x175, 21.89K)

No wonder why there are more and more women who hit their 30s had off themselves lately.

most people dont believe in god though

you can have a purpose in life outside of a family (and outside of work)

Anybody who has a whole bunch of infographs saved has never had sex

women used to pretend they cared about children

>What do women get out of having kids?
Somebody to wipe their ass when they're 80.


>a whole bunch of infographs saved
That's what pops up on google when you type "divorce rate" into google you mouth breathing fucktard.

>googling things
Touch grass

Good luck replacing every nurse with a man.

>32 and happy
Okay. Get back to me when you're 45.

Can confirm.

t. told her mother id protecc her and continued to do so after she left with no notice.