Why didn’t a “good guy” with a gun save 22 lives?

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no good guys in muttland, they have been emasculated by their globohomo satanic government

Cops aren’t good people.

Weren't the cops literally tazing and arresting parents that wanted to go in?
I don't think many people here are going to say state agents are the good guys.

>>jew calling someone else's government satanic

Why do school shootings only take place when Dems are in power? Don't elect Dems.

why didnt you save them? u too pussy to give ur life up for the CIA or something? fuckin pussy

they were protecting the gunman from that mob of angry parents

yes, america is the great and only satan, people blam us by association

-School policy dissalowed faculty & staff from carrying guns
-Cops are not good guys
-Parents were physically restrained, tackled, and arrested for trying to enter the school and stop the attacker.

did you see a pic of their police department? bunch of women and spics

theres a reason mexico didnt win ww2

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yeah and we fund your entire lifestyle so the least you could do is be grateful

Has anyone looked into the likely case that every one of those cops there was likely a freemason? Normies need to start seeibg this connection.


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Wrong. They were preventing the emotional parents from adding to the body count.

The parents should be thanking them for not letting them get smoked by the shooter.

The whole reason police exist in a liberal country is to protect criminals from normal people.

Kys you fucking worm.

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>The whole reason police exist
is to prevent the peasants from taking from / killing the rich. nothing more, nothing less.

>A mom of two children at Uvalde was put in handcuffs after urging police and law enforcement to enter the school. Once freed from her cuffs, she jumped the school fence, ran inside and sprinted out with her kids.



well than its in Gods Grace you are terrible managers of civilization and will lose it all the moment the first brick is laid

Hey idiots. This is the fourth "good guys" bot post that I've seen in the past 20 minutes.

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Because the police force is fucking retarded and can't engage a spic tranny even with superior numbers and funding

>good guy

>a spic tranny
still no proof of this

It's because they always have spare jew gold around their neck. Only the finest karats. You think cutting off aid will stop them when they have insurance on their neck? HA!

One did.
It just wasn’t a faggot police officer

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pigs are niggers, I been saying this

Lol, the moment we cut off aid the chinks will milk you for all the tech we shared. After that you will be overrun with shitskins just like you forced upon europe.

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Let's just cut funding to the iron done and test this weasel kikes theory.

>"U-uhmmmm, I hate to be that guy, but site your s-sources?"
Please don't, you know my point still stands

Wow one example. tell me more.

>Please don't, you know my point still stands
without a source? no im afraid not

This one jew is not responsible for ZOG. Attacking people based solely on their flag is low IQ trash that ruins discussion for the whole site.

Would you prefer he use a memeflag or VPN?