I give her a week tops

I give her a week tops.

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Lol bump

What's he gonna say to her in private?

Offer to buy her silence.

whats she implying

At the very least, that the cops were scared little bitched who failed to perform their duty, and that they will lie about it to the very end.

checked, offer to pay for her truth

the cops are crooked user, according to this lady

filthy frank don't do it

Best case scenario the cops are lazy fucks that pretend to do work but just waste taxpayer money. Worst case is its another Sandy Hook.

They're right next to the border, probably crooked and comped.

Wtf sandy hook was a real shooting. Why the fuck would you need to stage a shooting? They restricted your II amendment rights without much shootings before

why would they? because they made it legal to: congress.gov/bill/112th-congress/house-bill/5736

They aren't staging anything, not like hoax staging I don't think. But you know how the michigan gov kidnapping plot had more feds than actual suspects? That kinda entrapment, psychological bullying, probably goes on a lot more than you would believe. You can go back to the 1992 bombing of the WTC, they let the bomber go do his thing. It's just so fucked you don't know what is going on sometimes. FBI? CIA? Look at the faggots in the FBI these days with the whole election interference, literal traitors. I wouldn't put it past them.

This. Just like all the mayors and police chiefs they keep busting in the Rio Grande Valley border towns.

>WOAH there goy don't you even THINK about putting that info out yourself publicly, please dm me instead!
Nice try, FBI

Fail to see the connection
I know of corruption in those agencies, but why would anyone stage a shooting? You won’t find any reliable ballistics professional or motion pictures specialist that can say that any give shooting was a fake

My guess on the timeline is this
>shooter attacked grandma
>grandma calls police
>he rushes to the school
>police siren blaring after him
>crashes car when trying to make a turn
>he runs out with only 1 rifle and a pistol
>forgets his 2nd rifle in the car because cops are behind him
>cops never called the school to alert them that a gunman was coming
>cops don't chase after him
>he barricades the exits
>starts shooting kids
>police surround the area
>police get shot
>call in SWAT
>arrest anyone trying to enter
>cops do nothing until SWAT arrives
>SWAT doesn't enter school
>police call Border Patrol
>police make requests for snipers, body armor, trained tactics teams, negotiators, and special equipment
>hour passes by and shooter is still inside
>armed border patrol agent goes onto the premises and kills the shooter
>cops lie and say the border patrol agent was there the whole time
>border patrol agent says that he didn't go there until an hour later and literally drove 40 miles

And what their motives would be to cover that up? Police incompetence or what

She elaborates further in the thread by saying they are inept and lazy

The cops are bad at doing their job, but in this case their 'job' was to let the tranny that the feds had been grooming for a while now kill at least a whole classroom to be sure their glowop had good headlines.