Waged by the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and augmented with cyber warfare, orbital space weapons and the activation of CCP civilians currently embedded in corporations and governments around the world.

This is the bombshell that has emerged from the leaked audio out of China, for which a full English translation and transcript has now been published by whistleblower Jennifer Zeng at this link. jenniferzengblog.com/home/2022/5/16/top-secret-recording-war-mobilization-meeting-of-the-southern-war-zone-of-the-pla-guangdong-province-is-in-a-state-of-war

>China’s shutdowns of Shanghai and Beijing were actually a cover story to allow the military to use sea port infrastructure to load cargo ships with military supplies in preparation for a large-scale “D-Day” land invasion.
>Although the United States is not specifically mentioned in the leaked audio, the preparations refer to a “Final War” and are deemed far too extensive to merely be targeting Taiwan.
>The invasion forces would cross the Pacific disguised as merchant ships / cargo ships. Once they arrive within short-range rocket range, containers on the top of these ocean vessels would open up and launch short-range rockets, including tactical battlefield nuclear weapons, striking National Guard and military bases in California. Chinese troops would then land on the beaches. They would seize the ports (such as Long Beach), then use the ports to land heavier ships which would offload armor, artillery, and other heavy weapon of war. From there, China would have established a beachhead similar to the way allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.

Attached: xi.jpg (800x544, 242.76K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Why do you think they want their puppet to seize the guns so badly?

>Both China and Russia have pre-staged large caches of weapons, uniforms, RPGs, automatic weapons, night vision equipment and other military gear across the United States, county by county. These equipment caches will be activated when the CCP and Russian civilians are told to “go hot” and begin carrying out domestic sabotage operations targeting the US power grid, fuel refineries, railways and other infrastructure targets. From the transcript of the leaked audio, “We should take the way of using civilians to cover and support the military… We will mobilize overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese organizations to actively participate in supporting our military operations.”
>China is deliberately stockpiling massive quantities of food supplies (grains), microchips, ammunition, commodities and other items in preparation for being economically cut off by the West, just as the USA and NATO did to Russia. This further implies that China is preparing to attack the West and is anticipating the West’s response by watching what the USA and NATO have done to Russia.
>China is actively converting its economy from a normal peacetime operation to a wartime operation, and China’s military leaders cite their “success” with covid lockdowns as proof that their command-and-control dominance over domestic operations will keep them in power.
>China is expecting massive riots and civil unrest in the large cities around Hong Kong (Guangzhou and Shenzhen), and they are committed to using special forces from the PLA to immediately execute protesters and instantly quell any uprisings.

Attached: Wolverines.webm (480x360, 2.77M)

>China and Russia have teamed up in this effort to destroy their common enemy (the USA). Russia’s operations in Ukraine are essentially a “fixing operation” to cause the USA to commit its military hardware and troops to the Ukrainian theater of war, thereby creating vulnerabilities and lack of military readiness in the continental United States (CONUS), just as China is preparing to invade the USA in a D-Day-style landing of troops and military equipment.
>From other sources, we also know that China is taking active steps in global currency wars to dump the dollar, dump all dollar / Treasury debt, and prepare for a global dollar collapse.
>This invasion plan has all been aided by Gov. Newsom and the Democrats of California outlawing AR-15s and normal capacity magazines, causing the people of California to be ill-equipped to defend themselves against invading enemy forces.
>California Gov. Newsom is complicit in the entire operation and has been paid off with $500 million in laundered money that the state of California first transferred to China as part of a $1 billion “PPE purchase” scheme which resulted in $500 million going back to Newsom and his treasonous co-conspirators. Newsom literally used taxpayer funds and China money laundering to pay himself half a billion dollars in kickbacks, believed to be denominated in gold, cash and crypto.
>China’s goal is to exterminate every last American in North America, then conquer the fertile farmlands of the Midwest, which are desperately needed by China to produce the crops that will feed its people and support China’s global expansion toward world dominance. The longstanding military posture of China includes a plan to exterminate every last American, including all the illegals who currently reside in the USA.
>China can raise up to 100 million military troops over time, flooding CONUS with a seemingly endless stream of combat troops.

Attached: 1653204431462.jpg (992x657, 103.46K)

the market has yet to price it in
the invasion occurs in october

Attached: vixdicks.png (1257x973, 145.54K)

Hello Alex!

>China has bought and paid almost all of Taiwans politicians and business tycoons.
>During the Bush 1st term 100,000 Chinese Army regulars crossed the US southern border. Tom Martino covered it on his AM radio broadcast. Nothing was done about it.
>All Western security agencies warn that all chink contact is a potential espionage node
>Chinks quietly ushered into WTO under Bush (Dec. 31, 2001)
>Tech theft has been happened since the first chink stole and idea and took it back to their wasteland to knock-off anf undermine its sources with
>The cargo containers on the chinese ships are called Klub-K.
>The North Dakota missile complex was an op by the KGB to launch Spartan and Sprint thermonuclear missiles over North America. It was so the us would nuke itself.
>The Spartan and Sprint missiles are still there, the Dakota pyramid was just renovated in 2019, the glowniggers that were helping pol dig up info on all of it are dead and nothing anyone can do can change what's about to happen.
>Our entire military just took shots that cause heart attacks, and everyone who refused has been or is in the process of getting kicked out.
>Recruitment is horrible right now. Admirals/generals are all trannies that are in on it. Thinking our military is going to do anything is very naive.
>China has backdoors in all of our 5G surveilence towers that sprung up every mile across the entire country during the fake pandemic. This is going to be extremely bloody if this happens and we could easily lose.
>They'll time it during the housing/stock market crashes coming as well as trigger riots by having another random black killed. They can also do it right after midterms, since there will likely be political riots if the right sweeps.
>They'll time it during the housing/stock market crashes coming as well as trigger riots by having another random black killed. They can also do it right after midterms, since there will likely be political riots if the right sweeps.

Attached: Change Kpr For Ccp-1.webm (480x268, 2.61M)

And what evidence do you have?

Beware the fake right "Charlie ward, mel k, Alex jonestien"

No, they won't invade or attack when they are seen as the bad guys. China is strict about their face. So no war

>The laundered money to Newsom is highly credible. Both he, Brown and Feinstein laundered CCP cash into the California democratic party through Chinese mafia boss Leland Yee. China has been planning to run Newsom for president to control the United States.
>Chinese triad are now very powerful in California since they financially took over the local asian mafias and russian mafias. They are pretty much buying up all the crime syndicates in LA and the Bay except for the Mexicans who are just business partners in the meth trade.
>China will not attack the mainland United States until their puppets in Silicon Valley use social media to start a civil war, then they will invade California as a humanitarian mission to support the Left.
>The last time I bought a rifle in Washington state, the FFL who transfered it to me gave me a stern warning and I will as direct quote him as possible:
>"The majority of my customers for the last 2 years have been by far, the "Red Chinese". They are not buying for recreation or for defense, they are coming in as entire families of 8 or 10 people and buying multiple guns repeatedly, over months, slowly.I tried to report it but no one cares. There stockpiling."
>He then finished the paperwork, handed me my box and told me he's moving and suggested I do the same.
>Dude was 80, stone face and pale when he told me.
>Bad story Biden won't do shit
>The Triad is now affiliated with the Da click, BLM and other nation wide gangs. Their graffiti is everywhere to be seen. Wasn't there also a cargo container filled with automatic weapons seized by CBP under Trump? Yeah, no evidence at all.
>Nearly 10,000 AR parts from Shenzen seized in Louisville that were bound for Florida
>52,000 gun parts from China seized in Long Beach port

Attached: Change Kpr For Ccp-2.webm (480x268, 2.78M)

>land invasion
It’s called the belt and road and 149 counties are on board laying the tracks right now.

Attached: 4299A289-F520-4D10-BB53-1FA6E2674751.jpg (500x658, 43.5K)

All Chinese propaganda, including this, is intended for Chinese audiences. They don't give a shit what we think.

China isn't interested in baby sitting 40 million niggers.

yeah and they would have all their major cities leveled to the ground by submarines deployed in the Pacific...

And we would Nuke California and all of its fault lines until it fell into the ocean. Two birds. Many nukes.

Jeffrey Epstein created Bitcoin under the pseudonym "Satoshi Nakamoto" to take over the wold and sell it back to the U.S.A. He currently resides in North Korea awaiting our capitulation to his terms.

Propaganda if true. I ain't falling for a war with the Chinese bro. Sounds like everyone would just have a bad time.

post your Falun Gong propaganda a few more times and it might come true memeflaggot

you won't do shit, Chink.

>They would seize the ports (such as Long Beach), then use the ports to land heavier ships which would offload armor, artillery, and other heavy weapon of war. From there, China would have established a beachhead similar to the way allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy in World War II.
wouldn't happen. nothingburger. They don't need boots on the ground, they can kill the U.S. with embargoes.

I wouldn't be surprised at this point, but a lot of us don't give a shit about gun laws, they would lose.

I thought something was suppose to happen already. I forgot if it was today or yesterday. Just incase you didn't hear, nothing fucking happened. And even if it did we would not get the truth it would be a story like cuckraine

Where in this insect noise video does it talk about invading the USA?