Ban AR-15’s

Ban AR-15’s.

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You heard the towel!

Ban Muslims

Ban Somali she-boons

ban fake marriages

This isn't helping your cause you know

Ban jews

good thing I'm an AKchad

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No one cares what you think, faggot.
Stop wasting your time here, and prepare for what's coming for you.
It can't be stopped now.

Yer fucked, cuntflap.

Have a Constitutional convention then.

shift+click to hide shit threads like this one

ban somali browns from getting US GOV positions


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translation: other similar products are just fine

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When will humanity not repeat the horrors from the past?

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Ban Somalians

M16 was already banned and you have less balls than your dads.

>No one cares what you think, faggot.
>Stop wasting your time here, and prepare for what's coming for you.
>It can't be stopped now.

>Yer fucked, cuntflap.

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ban retards

Shoot this bitch in the face with an AR. I’d pay to see that.

NIGGER. No one banning shit.

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Based and Checked.