AOC's unbiased hot take

Apparently, according to AOC, it's totally fine to lump all white males together and brand them as a violent threat. The fact that the most recent school shooting was carried out by a hispanic trans person is irrelevant. The fact that the vast majority of mass shootings are carried out by people who aren't white is irrelevant. And no, it's still not okay to generalize about black people, illegal immigrants or Muslims. That would be racist now, wouldn't it?

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>Apparently, according to AOC, it's totally fine to lump all white males together and brand them as a violent threat.
maybe if the vast majority of mass shootings, and crime in general, wasn't committed by white people, we wouldn't be having to have these conversations? I promise you as a white person no one has it out for us for zero reason.

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She is an *unironic* literal retard. Who gives a fuck what she has to say.

She should become pro gun herself and change the gun culture.

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Its not.

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She looks like a fucking abuelita already.

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get off the computer Mr Goldstein

It was a latino though?

God, I'd love to leave a couple hot takes in her asshole and one in her pussy if you catch my drift.

Well, according to current trends, a lot young Jewish left wing-supporting men are doing this.

Check out these eggs I made

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Brown women doing nothing but BITCHING about WHITE PEOPLE is the FUCKING ISSSUEEEEEEEEE

>vast majority of crime in general

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See the words
In one paragraph; I only have one thought
>yes she is.

oh I’m catching it user

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A tranny did this there's no pattern

> vast majority of mass shootings, and crime in general, committed by white people

This your first day here or something? We spend 40 billion arming Nazi's in Ukraine, but disarming Americans is your priority? God help you when the truth about gov subversion finally comes out.

Disagreeing with zionism is apparently radical to smooth brains like this latrina

I can categorically say that Mexicans like AOC have the stinkiest shit of any race. They blast it all over the bowl and leave little foamy floaters bobbing around after they are done. It's disgusting

Not even if this were true would or should it be relevant. This is a majority white country and has been for hundreds of years. The only demographic with any legitimate right to bitch is Native Americans and even then it’s been so long since the country has been theirs it’s also irrelevant. Why not go to Africa while you’re at it and bitch blacks commit more crimes there or ask why the Chinese commit more sex crimes in China than any other demographic? It’s their fucking country.

>Vast majority of mass shootings and crime in general is committed by white people
As far as baits go, this is pretty meh

What is radical about wanting your country to not be taken over by the third world? People like AOC are getting people killed with their incessant hate fueled inflammatory rhetoric.

We didn't become radicalized. We got tired of you turning your backs on us

why in the world would anyone think that people are sitting around waiting for this dolt to offer an opinion about anything other than the different flavors of semen?

I'm ok with it. I want to be seen as a threat. Approach with respect and caution, bitch.

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Jew political, funding and voting data:

Attached: AOC.jpg (2207x842, 456.89K)'s literally not young white men.
And, uh, nonbinary people are doing it.
And, uh, women have numerous social and genetic impetuses which propel them toward social violence/ruination as opposed to murder.
Hey, what about fentanyl? Doesn't that kill loads more people? Aren't many of those people black?
Oh well...

How do you know this? You enjoy sticking gour big fat nose in some spics beanhole?

she knows that she is the one radicalizing white people, right?


Look up "I hate Mondays." Brenda Spencer was the first school shooter.

It wasn't the first tranny school schooling and probably wont be the last

What does she plan on doing about this problem?

god I want to dominated by AOC so bad

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*be dominated

>beaner kills some beaners
>omg fkn White men
Imagine how beta her husband must be for not smashing her teeth in.

define woman

she craves young white male cock. any of you chads want to volunteer to calm her down?

>as a white person
You're not white, you're Jewish

She’s got an ugly face.

>Radicalizes white men by trying to erase them
>Wants them to stop being motivated against them because they can actually make change happen
Fucking women.

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She's got an ugly personality, too.

I love how everyday I open the news and read articles about how my existence in some space as a straight white male is problematic. Every day I turn on tv news and see people being celebrated for achieving something while not being straight, white and male. I love how there are a plethora of scholarships available for people who aren't straight, white men, such as the Hispanic only scholarships AOC got. I love how even though I grew up poor, I am compared in the media to a member of an elite family just because of the color of my skin. I love how I am reminded daily of my original sin for being born white and male.

Young men are being radicalized.
Young men are being radicalized and indoctrinated by socialist college "professors" and "Adjuncts" or whatever they are called.
Universities are radicalizing our young men.

You haven't seen anything of yet, it's so incredible whats coming you will be blinded by the brightness of the moon the night it happens

So when blacks shoot each other it isn’t their fault but when whites do this it is because they are inherently bad?

Maybe lets look into why this is happening, why white young men are feeling so isolated, alienated, angry and hopeless that they feel the need to hurt others as they take themselves out as a way to get noticed and be remembered.