Is the anti white sentiment caused by inferiority complex towards an objectively more beautiful race?

Is the anti white sentiment caused by inferiority complex towards an objectively more beautiful race?

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his face will age badly

Cope nigger

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Yes... let them have a moment smile and laugh and wave lol

how so?

Wow where'd you find this pic of me? I just don't have the acne. Shitskins cannot compete.

Yea partly Good looking Whites>>>All good looking people of other races.

Whites are also the tallest, especially young millenials to zoomers averaging 6'2-6'3 while browns are like 5'7. But its more a diaspora thing, non whites in their own countries are actually cool normal ppl, but the diaspora is very narcissistic and also filled with self-hatred and inferiority. But its majority of non white women that are the worst and seethe at western beauty standards and how to decolonize beauty

It's about the jew globalist agenda.

Let this jew explain it:

They want to control a NPC prison planet of border-less, race-less, culture-less, gender-less, identity-less, dumbed-down, easily controlled, subdued cattle (which they call goyim). They make up 1.4% of the US population and 0.2% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.

In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and to discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the past and present in that effort.

And while the elite globalism pushing jews are one thing, the elite can only exist because of the 'regular' jews. Jews are far more politically engaged and culturally aggressive than other peoples, it's why they are so 'successful'. There are basically no jews who just want to be left alone, the type of person that makes up the vast majority of other races. 99% of them are in a constant state of striving for dominance and ethnic self-promotion.

They get into everything, any institution, and steer it towards protecting and enabling the tribe. Many of them aren't even fully conscious of why they do it, it is just completely ingrained into their culture. So, there‘s the grand jew globalist conspiracy at the top, and the overall trend in behavior (that results in various smaller schemes) towards the bottom.

300+ sourced must-know jew redpills:

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Supposedly I’m “gay” but my attraction is exclusively directed at white men desu
There’s no name for us but I think a lot of people recognize the universal truth that is the power of white dick

attraction is subjective, beauty is objective

what do you look like irl?

They ask why white school shooters always get taken in, that’s because we’re the good guys of history

Good point

One of my favourite quotes

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no, is what you get for showing empathy, this is happening when the white man was more open minded, welcoming, tolerant and egualitarian than ever, lesrn your lesson. Eat or be eaten.

Something like pic rel

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some passive aggressive tranny comment, ignore

He's not actually attractive. It's youth. That's why a lot of women hit the wall so blaringly.

based and classy pilled

>He's not actually attractive

yes he is

>full head of hair
>good canthal tilt
>compact midface
>gonial angle present
>developed lower third
>philtrum to chin ration is almost perfect
>no radix defeciency
>not fat
>well developed zygomatic ridge

he is objectivly good looking

what the fuck is that terminology? stop wasting time in incel forums.

>what the fuck is that terminology?

shit I learnt selling makeup to women and skincare products during my marketing stint, they are all beauty and facial terms

Do you guys really believe that white people are more beautiful? Personally I'm a North middle eastern person and think of North Europeans the same way I think of Africans... do you really really believe whites are the most beautiful race? I'm genuinely curious

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I would say in part so

Niggers are very pridefull irrational creatures so you could imagine

Jewish media also feeds their irrationality and agressivity towards whites

Cant belive Im saying this but its true

Good looking people are their own race, but yes Good looking Whites and Whitepassing other races>>>>>all other races

>Posts a man

Yes, that and also because of faggots like you

>do you really really believe whites are the most beautiful race?

Its probably a combination of mediterranean and white

But mostly white, yes its the most beautiful race

Even asians, the most attractive of them are fucking white skin lol

partly, yes. it's especially true with non-white women living in majority-white societies. they grow up seething with jealously at the white girls who get all the attention from the white guys they lust after. They become drawn to radical feminism and anti-white politics as an outlet for their frustration.
Naturally they all still try to bag themselves a white guy despite their politics.

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>Even asians, the most attractive of them are fucking white skin

That should tell you something

It probably has to do with our higiene seeking instincts, thats why we prefer white skin

As for facial structure europeans are also obviously the most aesthetic

Its just facts you silly nigger

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>Its probably a combination of mediterranean and white

Geographic area has nothing to do with making someone attractive, bone structure and height do

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> He said living in a Whitoid country

>an objectively more beautiful race
lol what a fucking joke. The real beautiful race is pic rel.

Wild, I guess it's true every race thinks they're the most beautiful with the best culture lol. Honestly North western whites are just as ugly as Africans for me but this is all for the better. Every race really was meant to breed with their own.

Nonwhite women are terrible when it comes to it, they are narcisstic and insecure and terrible. not as bad as the men but still bad

look at brandy melville, its a fashion company that is 99% young white women and brown black and asian women spend hours talking about it

Of course, whites with their light features and different colours beat every other race in terms of attractiveness

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Geographic area has a lot to do with bone structure and height

And skin color you fucking retard

oops forgot pic

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Not by choice my guy, I was living in a literally all white city and the girls were disgusting. Had to move to Toronto haha

OP isn't white

yes. whites are objectively superior which is proven by AI.

>Wild, I guess it's true every race thinks they're the most beautiful

Partly but Western Europeans are the best looking and most desireable facially if you take a bunch of other good looking people from other races out, and yes racemixing is cringe

Diaspora is terrible and overall bad people. They are narcisstic but also harbor great feelings of inferiority

Vanity is such a womanly fixation. Do something productive with your time.