Anyone else finding the dating world just a shit show with politically brainwashed rosties?

This (pic related) is what I’m dealing with. Note the they / them fucking pronoun pin and rainbow glasses. Describes herself as demisexual but is looking for men smfh.

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Other urls found in this thread:

That's a man, duh.


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>dating in your 30s


I had assumed it was just me, so I deleted all of my accounts on everything, dropped all of my friends, started fasting on snek juice, bought a home gym, I have dropped 40lbs and have seen gains that i have never seen in my life. Last week doing some shopping, for the first time since i was in college, a girl probably in her early 20s stopped and backed up to check me out. Felt so good bros.

Drop the sugar jew.
Drop the carb jew.
Drop the coomer jew.
Drop the porn jew.
Drop the soda jew.
Drop all the jews you can find in your life, learn to hate them. and one day user, one day, you will feel for the first time ever what complete control feels like.

Its the most intoxicating feeling in life to be in control of your body and your thoughts.

fuck the anti-Christ.

All glory be to God.

if you did that congrats. That is a strong urge

Absolutely no woman of value can be found on dating sites. If you’re in the rural Midwest, just scope out churches for wifeable material. If you’re in a city, either make piece with dating a roasts or a ham planet.

Praise Jesus. What’s the sneak juice diet?
I got on the verge of a 6 pack abs when I dropped all carbs but my body crashed when I ran out of fat to burn and I just started smoking weed and carbo loading my gut back on ;(

But yea the matches I get on tinder are 4s and 5s out of ten and I’m a 6 or 7, shit is annoying af.

I’m convinced women only go on these dating apps to match with people who are out of their league, and then get mad when dudes only want to be fuck buddies because no one wants to date someone uglier than them.

That’s what I’m seeing, especially in my dating pool anyone over 35 still single there’s something off about them either looks or personality. The very few who are attractive never match because I’m not a make model.

Wow I'm shaking over here

what is that ogre

Thanks user. It was one of the hardest of the jews to defeat.

I had a very obvious dog whistle on my Hinge account and it was easy to weed out the good from the bad. Many messages unrelated to that one specific response told me all I needed to know, and most had troublesome facts on their profiles (didn't want kids, vaccinated, etc.) I met my fiance in late July, got engaged in March and we will be married in October. There was a genuine courtship, not bullshit dating, and we not only have 1:1 politics, but our personalities and temperaments match while having a great give and take. My genuine advice is to not falter on your beliefs. Stay strong and firm, find the right person for you. Go on coffee dates with people you already really like - nothing should feel iffy. AND pick people who aren't overtly political on their page, right or left, unless you like that. Look for dogwhistles, lack of vaccination stickers, etc - lowkey advertising is the best. You guys CAN do it, its just not gonna be fast or easy. I was single for 2.5 years, my fiance for 5 - you just have to be patient for the right one.

dating is just not worth it at all. women are not the least bit interesting. their boring time-wasting bullshit and grief is not worth the mediocre sex. also they will cuck you the first chance they get. could you imagine impregnating one and having to support the child? nightmare. the "best case scenario" is that you find a wife and spend your whole life supporting her and her children. this "best case scenario" can easily turn into a living hell if she divorces you. and you have to swift through human shit like op's pic related for this pleasure.

no thanks man, i am not interested in any of this at all. i am 100% done with "dating" whatever that is. if i want sex then i can hire a prostitute. tradcucks will seethe when they read this post and they will attack me and say that i am some kind of manchild, loser, jew, fbi, whatever. watch it happen.

Online dating is not the way

oink oink that is one fat piggy.

NIGGER thread with a NIGGER OP posting NIGGER OPTICS.

Do you have discord or element/matrix or anything

if you are looking for a date on the internet you are not going to find anything of value

Okay but your fiancé is used meat and her ex's DNA is gonna end up in your mutted children. The state of marriage cucks settling for women that aren't virgins.

Attached: Women.png (750x646, 471.29K)

Find a girl that doesn't live in a city. And does a lot of physical exercise. Hiking, surfing camping. They are much less likely to be sitting around on their asses watching jewflicks shit and getting brainwashed.

The west is dying. I've been to Russia and the quality and amount of people I match with is severely high compared to america

are you under the impression that fucking someone alters your dna? dear lord you are a retard

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this guy is new here.

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I don't think you'll find any wife material on dating apps.

Snek juice is basically salt water flush of your system, fasting and keto. You can do a quick yandex and there are plenty of recipes... I can tell you this much the fastest way i found to a happy medium was 16/8 fasting. Heres what i do.

first thing is flush for ten days. fast and flush and shit and puke your guts out. great time to try some black walnut and wormwood, get your system unfucked. for ten days. for my ten days i lived on less than 15 grams of carbs a day. mainly eggs and a cheese stick.
if i was a pussy that day. if i had my sack i just ate the pain because i had been such a fat pathetic fuck for so long i figured it was the least i could do for myself.

day 11 30 grams of carbs or less. make it less fucker.
for the next seven days eat less than 30 grams of carb get plenty of healthy fats.
on the seventh day fast until 3 pm and then eath a massive protine and carb filled diet. follow it up with a massive influx of sugar, like apple pie and custards, all of it. you want your blood sugar to spike for 8 hours.

the next day, fast on the 16 off 8 on schedule. mine is stop eating at 8pm and then start again at noon the next day. but on this day you have to work out like your life depends on it. work out like they are filling the gulags next week, beat your self until you cant lift another finger.


repeat this cycle for 45 days you will blow the fat off of your body like you cant believe.

your body will change so dramatically you wont believe it. and if you arent a retard its fucking easy.

Online dating is comprised of the following women:
1) ones who just want some attention, maybe will go out on a date with some all star match
2) women who have extinguished every option from her social circle (which are vast since single women are accepted everywhere)
3) the career woman who just moved to the city and hasn't grown her social circle yet
4) thinly veiled prostitutes
So 1 and 4 are most likely no go's, and 2 should be a no go as well. This leaves you with option 3, but your window is miniscule since they'll find a guy out in the real world quickly or she's do devoted to her career she's planning on leaving in a few months anyway.

AHAHAAHAHA cope with your roastie wife and mutted children.

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Please can I have your discord or element/matrix or protonmail I'm trying to start a SIG group.

He'll find out in due time, if he isn't ignorant to the truth, but by then he may already have mutted children.

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It's literally impossible, I'm glad my gf is 18 with daddy issues.

Normal 34 year old women are already married with 2 -3 kids (hell two of my female friends from high school have 7 apiece, both are 36). Even in younger age brackets, women who try online dating are going to be worse in general than average for reasons that should be obvious. Keep looking but try offline as well.

needs more heads

I'm seriously considering moving to Russia just to have a good relationship

That's a man.

This. was gonna post this.

If you think women weren't whores before social media and the internet, you're sorely mistaken. I can only take her word that she has had sex with two men (condoms only because she was afraid of getting pregnant), and while you may not beleive that its just that amount, I'm a man and she is a woman - it's very easy, when you know how to control them, how to get the truth out, especially when you meet their family. You either wait out for a virgin, and stay strong to that, or bite the bullet and hope that the woman you marry is who she says she is. I hope you find the right woman who is a pure virgin, user, but I am getting too old and want kids now. Any more waiting for a unicorn, and I don't think I could be a father.

not married, but you are still retarded. sneed


Attached: PepeBased.png (534x578, 256.39K)

based and whitepilled. Glory be unto him Brother

go back to mexico

Thanks, friend. I hope you find yourself a pure woman worthy of your love.

I appreciate that user. I really do.

I heard about this the exact same way I just told you about it. An user posted how he changed his life. so i listened. and it worked better than anything I have ever tried. You can do it user. I believe in you.

But you dont need me for this mission. People only get in your way when they see you sculpting your character through the pain of self induced hardship. all you need to know is that you are 10 days away from mental clarity that I cant put into words if you dont cheat yourself.

It's fucking horrible

>4) thinly veiled prostitutes
Anything mentioning snapchat or instagram is a hooker.

I've done most of that and I end up finding a hundred and one whores giving me shit for it
>"like OMG don't you ever have fun? lol jeez"
Of course you do that shit for yourself but good luck finding a woman who sees eye to eye with you on all the diet and society jewry.

This monkey pox thing is more serious than we thought.

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Tinder is elo based, if u only see disgusting bitches it’s because ur fucking ugly. Maybe u should take this as a sign to self improve and lose weight? Ugly bastard lol

I believe that is what we call a "hambeast."

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I agree user, but my mission isnt about self serving interests anymore. I serve a higher power in Jesus Christ, and he will put the people in my life that i need, when i need them. until then I will walk my path the same way I was tossed onto it, alone.

>it's dey culcha

What does Electric Light Orchestra have to do with Tinder?

>what I’m dealing with
Why are you doing this to yourself?

Attached: ohol dire need.png (1289x1042, 2.97M)

yep, it's a waste of time, most people are broken beyond repair

God be with you, user. I hope you get your perfect waifu

Half the pop is Republicunt.
You can avoid leftoids with ease.

>using the internet to find girls
Ngmi. Go out faggot in the real world.

she seems nice.
as long as you stay outside the event horizon.

Why are modern women so fucked? They don’t even act human anymore. It is lonely bros…