Why are so many glowies Mormons?

Is there any history or specific reason behind this?

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I used to be a Mormon myself when I was younger, I remember learning about Joseph smith being associated with the Freemasons in a way that seemed too suspicious.

Mormons have a glorious history of using benevolent ideologies to get pussy and sling drugs.

cults produce assets

And no Mormons are not satanic, Freemasons were hijacked by Jews and Christians.

Mormonism is strange. Their book reads like a KJV Bible knockoff

Extension of Free Masonry.

That looks like part of a level from half-life 1

is that a fucking house?

They're not as easy to compromise (very strict against drugs, alcohol, promiscuity), and the communities are so close knit it's very easy to interview for security clearances

Mormonism is freemasonry lite. ironic that your post ends in 33

Mormons are door to door jews. Hilariously they take that training from being door to door missionaries and use it to run all the door to door businesses in the west. And they hire to ex cons and other mormons, and promote the other mormons to manage the ex con door to door army. Doesn't matter what they're selling, pest control, windows, phone plans, it's always a mormon organization over here and you might be talking to a thug at your door step.

They are generally disposed to patriotism and soft pro-government ideology. Might be a cultural thing? They have a reputation in government agencies for being loyal and reliable

>Why are so many glowies Mormons?
They are white and squeaky clean for the background check.

cults act like intelligence agencies and intelligence agencies act like cults
it isn't complicated
lots of other cults are overrepresented among glowniggers/glownigger assets
Mormonism has the added benefit of producing extremely straitlaced and obedient agents with strong social ties (meaning they won't snitch)

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Naieve do gooders who speak multiple languages make for very useful idiots for tyrant puppeteer politicians and philanthropist

Mormons are super straight edge. You need to pass an extensive background check to be a glowie

Because they learn to speak foreign languages fluently before and during their mission.

Retarded faggot

because they had a more extensive list of people than the CIA back in the 50s. Read a playboy magazine sometime from that era. They did favors for each other.

Mormons get access to the secret Mormon database.

to excuse their polygamy
which I think is ok

checked and correct satan.

Thanks satan. seriously its alot less interesting then it sounds. Alot of it is already publicly available information anyways.

Rockland ranch

Because of their mandatory missionary work, loads of Mormons know another language fluently. More to the point, they know languages that few Americans speak, not just the ones that lots of people know like Spanish.

You also need to be pretty straight edge to be willing to seriously risk anything (especially your life) defending the USA of all places.

Mormons strike me as distinctly American people. American ideals, American tendencies; Christian, white, gun-loving, prepping, and child-manufacturing people, they're the strongest spiritual successors to the frontiersmen of America's glory days.

>which I think is ok
genuinely and irrefutably based

This. The government would LOVE to have certain brilliant people, but if those people are ALSO hot messes, they might use them as informants but no formal relationship. The agencies will settle for the best people possible....who they can also trust. Gotta have that trust.

Meh, agencies have known for 20+ years they have too many white white people to be useful. You NEED blacks, Latinos, Jews, Persians, etc- even trannies, to investigate and potentially infiltrate adversarial groups. Of course, not always so easy for some of those groups to get security clearances because of criminal connections or mental health issues.

I've interacted with a lot of Mormons and I have been astounded by how genuinely they 'walk the walk'. Even the ones I didn't like I had to at least respect for staying consistent to their own stated values. I still don't get how a religion so obviously fake can turn out such authentic people. The only problem comes in if they're a secret fag.

loyalty the land. simple as

Mormonism is a branch of freemasonry. Any other obvious questions?