Be poor dumb fag brown weak 17 years old guy

>be poor dumb fag brown weak 17 years old guy
>memed into H.RT under the idea that i would score a white bf
>FF im 23
>failed to score white bf
>failed to properly pass and look like an uncany creature
>be unhappy angry and pissed off and without an inche of hope

What should i do
Dont tell me to kms pls i already think a lot about that :(

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Sorry but it might be time to kys.

get big implants

Put a bullet in your pea-sized brain

Seek professional help. You sound like you need a psychologist.


Find who memed you into self-mutilation. Meme them back, with or without their consent.

in minecraft

You need to post a picture before we can offer advice. We need to see how bad it really is (or isn't).

Go find a church and start attending every Sunday. No excuses you fag spic. Good luck user.

kys chud


>i already think a lot about that
well since you are still alive I dont think you are thinking about it enough

> brown

Attached: chad_brazilian_tranny.png (1200x488, 530.91K)

Start working out faggot.

Just be a twink and stfu, imagine thinking attractive white guys would like even a passing tranny in the first place. Also stop fucking posting tranny or porn bait I know your kind is who does that here

This, and then try to get into some white people drama show. They love big titty trannies.

So, what did you learn?
Play the hand in the world deals you. If I told you I didn't like my hands or my feet and I wanted to cut them off for something else or for nothing at all, wouldn't you think I was a little fucking crazy?
Detransition. Be gay. If you were miserable before you decided this drastic change was necessary and you're miserable afterwards. Maybe you should stop this clinging fixation and grasping, all things regarding your sexuality.

become a right wing e-celeb and make lots of money

Just stop taking your hormone shit and take testosterone boosters until you're back to normal. As long as you haven't mutilated yourself, you can go back to being normal for the most part

This is why I hate trannies, as a fagg. The dumb bimbo trannies are okay,but the incels who troon and the white women who enable it disgust me.

Maybe you can get the breast tissue removed. Or if you bulk up enough the breast tissue will be less noticeable due to thicc pecs.

Sorry to hear about your relationship with your parents.

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Sit tight. FBI agent will contact you shortly for a special mission

Go out and kill cops. Tell the media it's for their cowardice in letting tranny shooter go on a kid killing rampage. Or go to your local synagogue. No one is innocent there.

Travel alot, I hear blonde hair attracts a ton of attention in India.

Make better friends. Look for transhumanists especially. They'll be less likely to give a shit if you pass, and if you support them, they'll advance a cause that will HELP you pass. Transhumanists are pro-trans without exception AFAIK.

The dumb bimbo sissies know what they are; fuck dolls. They know they aren't actually women and they don't care they are a fetish. These incel dorks think they can actually become women.

You're ugly and no one likes you

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Find the people who did this to you and torture them to death.They knew EXACTLY what they were doing.