$30 Million Staircase Unveiled in NYC

>MTA CEO Janno Lieber said the “stunning… first class” 15-foot wide staircase at the “center” of Broadway Plaza at 43rd Street Street would provide tourists and others with a clear path in and out of the “Crossroads of the World.”

Money well spent in my opinion.

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>more stairs for niggers to push people down

And everybody still looks down.

Every single metro station I have been in in Moscow, Kiev, Tokyo, Bankok, Seoul, Hongkong and Singapore shits all over this supposed grand station. Are niggers truly the cause for everything to be so bad in this nation?

Is this one of those stories like when an African engineer makes a "car" and then we all clap like it's the special olympics?

As someone who used to work right across the street from the times square escalators down to the trains, I can tell you 99% of the people completely ignore EVERYTHING up and down in that short space you move down into, and the short hall at the bottom. How the fuck do you spent 30 million dollerydoos on that.

Someone is grifting the shit out of that deal.

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I nice new clean 30 million dollar toilet for niggers and homeless to ask for change and shit all over, nice

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niggers are going to start larping they invented stairs next

Are you asking that rhetorically?

Ah yes, because it was the stairs that was turning people away from New York

Not the prospect of getting shot in the face or raped because the city is inept

where all the swanky rats can hang out

No one hangs out there. Doesn't matter what time of day or night. In fact at night times square and every other commercial or business district are DEAD EMPTY except for areas with bars and shit. I lived in manhattan for over a decade and some jobs had me leaving at 2 in the morning. TOTALLY DEAD. Not even fucking homeless on the street.

>How the fuck do you spent 30 million dollerydoos on that.

75% if that are going into the pockets of the people in charge and 15% are going into the actual project

What an expensive toilet



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>30 mill from the ny taxpayer for stairs

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as usual user. as if it's some sort of a secret that kikes get those contracts just so they could pocket 90% of what is said was spent. it's the fucking kikes who ruined new york just like they ruined most of the cities in the US and around the world. i'm not even being edgy.. these hook nosed fags turn everything they touch to shit because they STEAL money.. steal steal steal.. fucking hook nosed thieves who would butt fuck their mother if it meant making an extra penny. absolute degenerate subhumans. if you think anything is the problem.. well it's the kikes who are the fundamental one. if it wasn't for them fucking shit up there wouldn't be all these niggers running around and there wouldn't be all that globohomo shit eating the world right now.. and there wouldn't be overpopulation. it's the kikes who are breeding all these hordes of niggers. before that we were succesfully exterminating these pests like it was nothing

>75% if that are going into the pockets of the people in charge and 15% are going into the actual project
4.5 million is still a lot for a staircase.

Some contracting group must’ve got filthy rich off this.

Reminds me of when I was in the military, and we’d buy cans of paint for $2,000 a piece.

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Imagine taking a shit and smoking crack on a $30 million staircase, maybe even shoving an old asian woman.

Does the entrance have a "Whites Only" sign? If it does, and they enforce the rule, then it's worth the money.


What tourists?
NYC spent the last two years tanking the city's tourism industry by pretending Covid is real. They still spout horse shit that makes tourists afraid of coming here.

I work in the NYC tourism industry. It's still near death.



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