Hispanic chad border patrol agent single handedly saves countless school children's lives while white cops cower...

>Hispanic chad border patrol agent single handedly saves countless school children's lives while white cops cower outside for hours
Doing the jobs whitoids don't want to do.

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cops are pussies

nobody believes your glowjob

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most of the cops are hispanic too. most of the city is hispanic user.

fake and gay

Here's what the white cops were doing outside while the children they were supposed to be protecting were being turned into pink mist.


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He is a Gigachad compared to the cowardly retard cops. Hundreds of them waiting outside for over an hour doing nothing… in fact they put more effort into tackling parents who were trying to get in and save their children, than eliminating the shooter. Absolutely pathetic.

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They don't have white cops.

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>>Hispanic chad border patrol agent single handedly saves countless school children's lives while white cops cower outside for hours
here come the shills. nice fake hero dude. goes perfect with the fake school shooting

Where the fuck is the blood on the hat?

the hat probably got shot off his head.

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That's anti Semitic

Yore projecting moshe.

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i was securing the perimeter

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What a lot of people don't know, is in small towns like this, is where deputies go to retire, or new guys get their feet wet. These aren't the type of police capable of handling this. It's literally police-c and D squad. Lots of smaller towns are setup like this. They're the police equivalent to the volunteer firefighters. Ib wouldn't be surprised if half the force was made up of prior Dallas cops in their 50's with a heart condition.

>border patrol agent
*insert joke about immigrants stealing jobs

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We need public lynching for every cop who thought their life is more valuable than those kids. What do cops sign up for? Writing traffic tickets?

Cops groom


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Sad, many such cases.

The cops are all spics too

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Mother fucker did you not see the video of them chilling in the parking lot?

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itsssss MACHETAY

nah this is a white guy.

conquistador phenotype.

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youll like this one

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Found the self-hating mestizo
If you look like that spic you're not white

It wasn’t an all out war, it was one 18 year old spic with an AR vs all those fucking cops. They should have been able to make short work of that twerp whether they were fresh out of the police academy or 40 year veterans.

>cops protect us yo!

>b-but it was a scary situation! The cops who were trained for years to take on active shooters weren’t ready for something like that!

lol no i'm not even remotely latino.

If you think that guy us Hispanic you've never seen one, that guy is clearly white

this situation proves cops cannot protect us and we need to be armed