Is this a good solution?

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”

Shouldn’t the answer to gun ownership be tied too being part of a regulated militia? Just follow the 2a to the letter. If you want to bear arms, you need to be part of a regulated militia. And if you do so, you can play with your survivalist jerk off friends with tanks/drones/artillery once a month or whatever.

But if your not part of a well regulated militia, no arms for you.

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Regulated as in equipped, not officially organized

That's not what following it to the letter means. Look up what a prefatory clause is and then get back to me.

No, that's not what it means at all. It's pretty fucking clear.

Or you could just say so. Why I have to do research. This is a discussion not a fucking academic peer review.

Nigger it says a well regulated militia is needed to secure a free state, AND those who would make up the militia is ordinary people with their own armaments,
You don't need to be in a militia in order to own weapons, just like you don't need a doctor to tell you to take ibuprofen for a headache

§311 . Militia: composition and classes
(a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are-

(1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and

(2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia.

shut up forever faggot.

>focusing on the word regulated
not even going to attempt to explain my reading of it to you, ignorant faggot.

Why you can't do 18th century english, faggot?

The American Revolutionary War?

Why not? Why shouldn’t applying to join a militia, getting training and passing background checks/mental evaluation’s and everything else not be allowed.

What did it mean to be well regulated?
One of the biggest challenges in interpreting a centuries-old document is that the meanings of words change or diverge.

"Well-regulated in the 18th century tended to be something like well-organized, well-armed, well-disciplined," says Rakove. "It didn't mean 'regulation' in the sense that we use it now, in that it's not about the regulatory state. There's been nuance there. It means the militia was in an effective shape to fight."
In other words, it didn't mean the state was controlling the militia in a certain way, but rather that the militia was prepared to do its duty.“

You join the militia, you pass the criteria of training, then you get to own weapons. Im even willing to let militia’s have drone/tank/artillery/anti tank/anti air training. So a militia is prepared to fight against government tyranny. Like the 2a was supposed to be. Not this jerk off clause where you shoot cans on the weekends.

I'm a lone wolf... and I hunt deer for my family only.... fuck your larp

>pretending people wont get droned and tanked
>inb4 ukraines doing well
>who is going to sell anti-tank munitions to the citizenry

If you’re an American citizen you’re automatically part of the militia you stupid ass. That being said if you learned how to fucking read it as not the militia who has the right to bear arms, it’s the people. You have this right outside of being apart of a militia. Playing semantic fuck fuck games doesn’t change this fact. Getting your panties in a wad every time some fucking nutcase goes on a spree is not justification for signing away your rights.

>Im even willing to let militia’s
Who the fuck are you? lmao

On the overhand you have to argue, that if the 2a protected you from the government why cant you own airship carriers/ battle tanks/drones/bombs/nuclear weapons/attack jets/helicopters/artillery?

Those are arms. The founding fathers meant all weapons not just muskets. If the rifle protected you against tyranny, we should have sent ukraine 20 million ar 15’s and called it a day. But instead they need much more to hold back russia’s 1980’s kleptoarmy. Keep it honest.

Just for argument sake, lets say your right the moment your citizen your in a militia.

The founding fathers used the word “regulated militia” to mean well organized. Well disciplined force. Not regulated from Congress. But without training you can never be a “regulated militia.”

Thus arms and everything else can be tied too, getting training from a militia.

District of Columbia v. Heller
"The Court held that the first clause of the Second Amendment that references a “militia” is a prefatory clause that does not limit the operative clause of the Amendment. Additionally, the term “militia” should not be confined to those serving in the military, because at the time the term referred to all able-bodied men who were capable of being called to such service. To read the Amendment as limiting the right to bear arms only to those in a governed military force would be to create exactly the type of state-sponsored force against which the Amendment was meant to protect people."
>tl;dr The 2A guarantees the individual right to own a firearm. Forget about the militia part.

Thanks, you win. I was thinking that each state could have its own militia and hand out weapons permits based on its own criteria for that state. But seems like that would unconstitutional.

based and knowledgeable pilled. I pulled this fact out against a commie university teacher who loved spouting reddit memes in lecture.

You're focusing on the militia part too much and trying to twist it left.

"Well Regulated" refers to being both well equipped and equipped somewhat standardly. At the time, this meant that fighting-age men who may eventually be called up to the militia should have their own rifle/musket that was of a common make and caliber to what would be used by a standing professional army, for ease of integration and training.

If anything, "a well regulated militia" enforces the idea that every fighting-age male should own and know how to use an AR-pattern rifle, as it is the current military standard.

We are already compromising on this by not allowing civilians to own select-fire variants of these rifles. A true interpretation of the 2nd Ammendment would mean that I would be able to own a select-fire M4-A1.